
What Kind Of Animal Is A Kite

Milvus migrans

Blackness Kite u000d 23.7 Prototype: Roger Brown
© Roger Brown

The Blackness Kite is the most abundant raptor (bird of prey) in the globe.


The Black Kite is a medium-sized raptor (bird of prey). From a distance, it appears almost black, with a lite dark-brown bar on the shoulder. The plumage is actually dark brown, with scattered lite chocolate-brown and rufous markings, peculiarly on the head, neck and underparts. The tail is forked and barred with darker brown. This feature gives the bird its culling name of Fork-tailed Kite. The eye is dark brown and the beak is blackness with a yellow cere (area of skin effectually the nostrils). Both sexes are similar. Young Black Kites are generally lighter in colour than the adults, and have a comparatively shallower forked tail.


The Blackness Kite is found in a diversity of habitats, from timbered watercourses to open plains, and is often observed in and around outback towns. Although it is more usually seen in small groups, the Black Kite may form huge flocks of many thousands of birds, especially during grasshopper plagues. No other Australian bird of prey is seen in such large flocks.


The Black Kite's range covers the majority of the Australian mainland, likewise as Africa, Asia and Europe. The Black Kite is arguably the most numerous species of raptor in the world.

Feeding and diet

The Blackness Kite preys on lizards, small-scale mammals and insects, particularly grasshoppers. It as well is a scavenger, and frequents tips in outback towns. Blackness Kites also gather in flocks around bush fires, and eagerly pounce on small animals as these flee the flames. Both live and expressionless (carrion) prey is eaten.

Other behaviours and adaptations

They frequently gather and soar higher up fires, shooters or workers, watching for flushed prey.


The call is a descending whistle 'psee-err' followed past a staccato 'si-si-si-si-si'.

Breeding behaviours

Black Kites nest in isolated pairs or in pocket-sized, scattered colonies. As with other raptors, a ritualised aerial courtship display is performed by both sexes. This involves loud calling, grappling of anxiety (talons), and tumbling or cartwheeling. The nest is a bulky loving cup of sticks, lined with softer material, and is placed in the fork of a tree branch (generally close to the trunk). The female person incubates the eggs while the male provides food.

  • Breeding flavor: June to December
  • Clutch size: Three to four
  • Incubation: 33 days
  • Fourth dimension in nest: 42 days

Conservation status

Black Kites are mostly uncommon, merely may be increasing in numbers after clearing and with increases in prey such as galahs, rabbits and starlings.


  • Marchant, S. and Higgins, P.J. (eds) 1993. Handbook of Australian New Zealand And Antartic Birds Vol. two: (Raptors To Lapwings). Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
  • Olsen, P., Crome, F. and Olsen, J. 1993. The Birds of Casualty and Footing Birds of Commonwealth of australia. Angus and Robertson, and the National Photographic Index of Australian Wild animals, Sydney.
  • Simpson, K and Twenty-four hours, N. 1999. Field guide to the birds of Australia, sixth Edition. Penguin Books, Australia.
  • Beruldsen, Thousand 2003. Australian Birds: Their Nests and Eggs. Self-published, Queensland.
  • Hollands, D. 2003. Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of Australia. Bloomings Books. Melbourne.


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