
How To Remove Water In Lord Kemm Garden

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Player Characters

    In General

You play as a Sourcerer on the run from both the Voidwoken and the Divine Order. Shipped to Fort Joy for being a Sourcerer, you must now escape your imprisonment. As you continue to survive, you begin to learn more about yourself, the people traveling with you, and your mysterious powers, and soon you realize that you may be playing a bigger part in Rivellon's history than you thought.

You can create a custom character, or you can select one of the six Origin Characters to set as your avatar. The Origin Characters you didn't select may be recruited as companions. Up to three others may join your party.

  • Animate Dead: Characters that invest in higher levels of necromancy.
  • Antihero Team: All of them are pretty flawed individuals who are willing to do some really nasty stuff to accomplish their admittedly selfish goals, and most of them are even outright criminals. But they end up being the world's best hope when it comes to fighting the Voidwoken.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Characters investing in Scoundrel or Huntsman skill trees can get these, and certain weapons can pierce armor.
  • Arbitrary Headcount Limit: Somewhat justified in that Magisters might get suspicious if a bunch of inmates started traveling together heavily armed.
  • Back from the Dead: Any origin character you don't recruit will be killed off by Dallis at the end of Act I. Then they will return in the Nameless Isle as boss characters.
    • More conventionally, the player controlled character and potentially all the other companions drown at the end of the tutorial but are revived by the gods. This includes those killed during the first fight with the Voidspawn (or even by the Player Character themselves).
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: Casting curses and Source magic is generally not a good thing, and you can role play extremely nasty characters.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: You can cast Source magic and curses, but still be a good person.
  • Black Mage: Divinity's classless system makes it possible to play every character this way.
  • Blood Magic: Investing in Necromancy gets you blood magic related skills.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: Elves and undead characters.
  • Character Customization: Even if you pick an Origin Character you can still edit their appearance. When you beat Act I, you get the ability to respec your entire party, including their appearance, with minor restrictions (e.g. you can't make the Red Prince not red). The game sports a classless system, which gives you a large amount of freedom to build your entire party to feel however you like.
    • Gameplay and Story Integration: You can change the appearance of all of the player characters, but you can't change the Red Prince's skin color because his red scales are a plot point. Also, you are incapable of making Beast clean-shaven or giving him a facial hair style without a beard, because his beard is mentioned several times in dialogue and is a famous part of his image in-universe. Someone even wrote a sea-shanty about it!
    • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Despite the above, you can choose any face model you want for Sebille...even though the one she has by default is the only with the living scar that her master uses to control her, which is the crux of her entire personal quest.
  • Chick Magnet and Dude Magnet: It is shockingly easy to romance the Origin Characters if you aren't roleplaying a complete scumbag. Even if all of your interactions with them were platonic, at the end of Act 3 you can have sex with any of them if their Attitude is at 100.
  • The Chosen One: All player characters and companions are godwoken, with the potential to become the new Divine. More specifically, they are the chosen champions of several of the gods.
  • The Dark Arts: Source magic and necromancy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Can be roleplayed as one.
  • Dysfunction Junction: All of them are pretty screwed up, united only by their overlapping goal of becoming Divine.
    • The Red Prince has a truly obnoxious sense of superiority that he uses to overcompensate for his insecurities and lack of personal connections.
    • Lohse has a terrifying demon trying to possess her and negate her passions of comedy and music, which has resulted in her being slow to trust and willing to make huge sacrifices to regain her freedom.
    • Beast is a friendly guy who is a bit too hard on himself and suffering from some form of arrested development stemming from his time in exile on the horrifying Isle of Mists.
    • Sebille is completely batshit, due to her truly horrifying time spent as a slave during which she was forced to kill scores of important people of her race, in service of a man who wanted her people wiped from the face of the earth.
    • Ifan has gotten very loose with his moral code and is a pretty distant fellow because of his guilt in failing to save the elves from the Divine Order's deathfog. And then it turns out he was lied to and secured the destruction of the elven forest by delivering a device he was told would save them.
    • Fane is a narrow-minded scholar who looks down on all mortal races and is indirectly responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened on Rivellon.
  • Elemental Punch
  • Everyone Is Bi: All of the companions can be romanced by the player character regardless of gender, and all of them can in turn romance anyone regardless of gender if you play as them.
  • Evil Sourcerer: Can be played good, evil, or somewhere in between.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Evil characters will still be forced to fight both Divine Order and the Voidwoken.
  • Experienced Protagonist: All of them have a pretty storied past and a few notable deeds and adventures under their belts by the time the game begins.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Any character you don't recruit not only ends up dead, but they will return as undead and serving the God King at the end of the Nameless Isle.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Even party members that hate each other at first sight (Sebille and The Red Prince, specifically) can eventually become friends by the end of the game, due to saving each other's bacon enough times, and getting to know each other.
  • Four-Man Band: Can only have four members in your party at a time, and those you don't bring with you to fight Dallis will die during the battle at the end of Act I. However, Fallen Heroes implies that the party was canonically the full six, as they're all alive and well in that game.
  • Forced Sleep: Chloroform, a skill for characters that invest in the Scoundrel skill tree.
  • Friend to All Children: Potentially.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Can be played this way.
  • Glad-to-Be-Alive Sex: After the intense climax of Act III, you can do this with the Origin Characters if your relationship with them is good enough.
  • Good Powers, Bad People: Even the most evil of player characters are still capable of casting Bless.
  • Invisibility: Chameleon Skin is an option for those that invest in the Polymorph skill tree.
  • Hellfire: A potential skill Source users are capable of casting.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Since Sourcerers are blamed for Voidwoken attacks, the protagonists are constantly on the run from the Magisters and must hide their true nature, even though they are doing the gods' bidding.
  • Late Character Syndrome: Averted for the Origin Characters: first, all six of them can be found and rescruited either before reaching the Fort Joy walls (Red Prince and Fane) or soon thereafter (the rest); secondly, whoever is not with you when Dallis tries to board Lady Vengeance between Acts I and II is permanently lost for that walkthrough, ending up first dead, then enslaved by the God King.
  • Leitmotif: Every character has an instrument that takes the lead when they do something story important or impressive during combat.
    • Lohse in particular has a theme that plays whenever the demon in her head starts acting up during the story.
  • Lovable Rogue: Characters with the Outlaw tag can be played this way.
  • Magic Enhancement
  • Magic Is a Monster Magnet: Casting your Source powers has the potential to call Voidwoken.
  • Magic Knight: Any character can use physical or magical combat and can slide as far in either direction as a player desires.
  • Military Mage: A character with the solider origin tag, and utilizes magic.
  • Physical God: All potential playable characters are Godwoken, and they will have to fight the Voidwoken, a force of evil even the Gods couldn't beat together.
  • Power Limiter: You start the game with a Source collar, which prevents you from casting Source magic. One of your goals in Act I is to remove it.
  • Psychic Powers: Characters that invest in the telepathy civil skill, or the Aerotheurge skill tree.
  • Screw Destiny: Even though one of the Godwoken is destined to become the new divine, you can instead end with no divine by either giving everyone source magic, or getting rid of all source magic.
  • Signature Move: Each Origin character has a unique Source skill. All custom characters have the same Source skill: Dome of Protection, which restores physical armor, magic armor, and increases resistances for allies in an area.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Characters with the Pet Pal ability can talk to animals, who usually provide information of varying usefulness, and in some cases give you quests that you would otherwise have never known existed.
  • Static Role, Exchangeable Character: Each of them can be either the player character or companion characters.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: You have to be born with Source magic in order to use it, which all the playable characters are.
  • Summon Magic: Characters that invest in Necromancy or Summoning get access to these. Ifan's Source skill is to a summon a wolf.
  • Teeth Clenched Team Work: Most of them really don't think highly of one another at first (especially Sebille and the Red Prince). This even extends to their personal quests, as many of them conflict with one another in various ways, such as one character needing to kill someone another character needs to keep alive.
  • Tornado Move: Several skill trees have this type of attack
  • Villain Protagonist: Player characters with the villain tag are still the only chance the world really has to stop the Voidwoken.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Investing in the Polymorph skill tree gives you access to shapeshifting powers.
  • White Mage: In character can be played this way.
  • Wild Magic: Dimensional Bolt in the Summoning skill tree. It will fire a bolt of a random type and leave a corresponding surface.
  • You All Meet in a Cell: You meet all your potential party members on a prison ship bound for Fort Joy.
  • You ALL Share My Story: The apparent strangers on a prison ship turn out to be profoundly connected on at least two levels:
    • For one, all six (seven, if you play a custom PC) are actually Godwoken, avatars of their respective races' gods, chosen by them in order to ascend to Divinity, renewing their gods' existence. The notable exception is Lohse, who was actually rejected by the human god Rhalic, but was instead possessed by the godlike demon Adramahlihk.
    • Even beyond that, each turns out to be directly involved in the drama surrounding divinity at large: Red Prince's love interest is in the thrall of the God King, Lohse is possessed by the demon with a vested interest in becoming Divine, Beast is the wayward cousin of the Dwarf Queen who is being manipulated by the servants of the God King, Sebille is the Prime Scion of the elves who see her ascension as a way to restore their race, Ifan is a former lieutenant of Lucian who is now after his son Alexander's head, and Fane is actually the man who unwittingly instigated the entire divinity thing in the first place.
  • Your Soul is Mine!: Can devour the souls of ghosts in order to fuel their Source powers.

    Red Prince

The Red Prince

"Famed, of course, for my unique red skin and unparalleled skills as a general of the House of War, I, the Red Prince, was raised within the vast palaces of the fabled Forbidden City. I was destined to become the next emperor, but my ambitions suffered a bit of a setback when I fell from grace for cavorting with demons. Now I'm exiled and hunted by assassins, but I assure you: I remain undaunted — and as determined as ever to claim my rightful throne!"

A war general destined to become the next emperor of the Ancient Empire. He was then exiled from his homeland for mingling with demons.

His origin story can be viewed here.

  • Adam and Eve Plot: Though the lizards aren't at risk of extinction, he will sire a new species. The Red Prince and Sadha are destined to bring back the Great Red Dragons that the lizards once were.
  • All That Glitters: He eventually comes to this conclusion if you follow his personal quest. He still becomes emperor at the end of the game, but he confesses that all he truly wants in the end is to be with his love and watch his children fly.

    Red Prince: All my life has led up to this moment, to be king of kings, god of gods. I will not say it was in vain, but I will say it was in vanity. If I were to chance upon my throne right now, I would sit down beside it, cast my glance over the horizon and think of worthier things. I'd think of Sadha, my great love. I'd think of my children, dancing joyous through fiery skies. And of course I'd think of you, of the adventures we had, of our unlikely yet heartfelt friendship. Yes I'd sit there, thoroughly contented, and let you ascend to the throne.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Many of his unique dialogue options paint him as callously indifferent of everyone he sees as beneath him, i.e.: everybody. He can even go so low as to betray Sebille into slavery as a gift to the Shadow Prince. However, he can also be played to recognize his mistakes and work to become The Good Prince.
  • Armchair Military: Literally. He was a highly successful general and master strategist, and has won countless battles by his own admission... all from the comfort of sofas and, yes, armchairs, because he was too important to risk losing on the field. He still trained himself in combat, however, and he's absolutely no slouch in a scrap.
  • Assassin Outclassin': Has been the target of so many would-be assassins that he's grown bored of the constant attempts on his life.

    Avatar: *So, those assassins trying to kill the Red Prince... is he worried?*
    The Red Prince: Gods no. Though they are a nuisance.

  • The Atoner: Playing Red Prince as a good guy will likely end up invoking this trope, since he's already done some questionable things during his time in the House of War prior to you controlling him, such as owning and mistreating slaves and, perhaps most horrifyingly, coming up with the plan to defeat the Black Ring by using Deathfog on the Elven homeland. You're given plenty of options to express regret for your actions, promise you'll do your best to atone, and even denounce the practice of slavery to the Lady Vengeance.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's really good at fighting.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: One of his most vulnerable moments is when he meets his child; a Dragonling, assuming you had him and Sadha make love during Act 2. He's practically on the verge of tears at the idea of being a father.
  • Badass Bookworm: Is a scholar, and is definitely a bad ass.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: Unlike the other races, lizards like him don't wear underwear when they have nothing equipped, but his crotch area appears completely smooth regardless.
  • The Big Guy: Both in terms of build and combat abilities. He's the largest of the available party members note while Sebille is a bit taller than him, she's Lean and Mean in contrast to Prince's Heroic Build and is the one that fills the "knight" archetype of the physical damage users. Even if you have him spec into something other than strength, the Narrator will comment on his strength several times, and he's still strong enough to put Sebille in a Neck Lift and pick your character clean off the ground with one arm.
  • Blue Blood: The lizards overall already see themselves as greater than anyone else. The Red Prince does moreso, considering he's royalty.
  • Breath Weapon: Dragon's Blaze, the lizard racial skill that lets him attack with fire and create a corresponding surface.
  • Character Development: While he never quite loses his royal air (or sassiness), finishing his quest makes him a far more enlightened man, and a benevolent, wise, and progressive father to the new generation of dragons and emperor of the lizard empire.
  • The Chosen One: Aside from being Godwoken like the rest of the heroes, according to lizard legends he's this. If you ask him why he's red, he'll regale you with a flowery story about how he is the literal child of the sun destined to bring the Ancient Empire to a new era of greatness. Before immediately dismissing the story as utter nonsense and sharing a laugh with the player. Though it turns out his being red does make him a chosen one of sorts; he and Sadha are the ones destined to bring back Dragons into the modern world.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Provides an interesting contrast to Lucian, the protagonist of the first Divine Divinity game and the last Divine before seemingly dying. They both share the same default class (Fighter), and embark on a quest to become Divine, but while Lucian had humble beginnings, a vested interest in saving the world, and had the typical appearance of an "ideal" hero, Red Prince comes from a privileged noble background, with a selfish motivation of reclaiming his throne and noble status, and is a lizard as opposed to the typical human protagonists of the genre. Despite Lucian having the more "typical" role-playing game hero background, he went on to commit several horrifying acts which put Lucian in the villain role. The Red Prince, while deeply flawed, can eventually redeem himself into a true hero who can manage to save Rivellon without turning to drastic measures, which incidentally will put him at odds with (and force him to battle) Lucian himself.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The level of sass that this man radiates are superhuman.

    The Red Prince: Don't get saucy with me when you clearly don't know the first thing about sauce.

  • Defrosting Ice King: When you first meet him, he sees your avatar as nothing more than a potential slave. As you travel with him and improve his attitude toward the avatar, he'll start to warm up. Whenever you click on him to start a conversation, notice how his greetings change from Act I to Act II.
    • Culminates in Act II, when he starts giving out genuine compliments to the avatar.

    The Red Prince: I'm in rather good spirits after that invigorating fight, so I think I'll return the compliment: It's good to have you around.

  • Dragon Ancestry: Probably. Lizards believe they were once a species of dragons who became tainted after mingling with the 'lesser' races of Rivellon. The lizard racial skill reinforces this idea. The only creature they'll admit to being greater than lizards are dragons.
    • Turns out this is true. Lizards were once Great Red Dragons, but something caused them to shrink and lose their wings. Now The Red Prince and Sadha are to reintroduce Great Red Dragons to the world.
  • Dragon Knight: Almost literally, since he's a warrior by default and all lizards have dragon ancestry, with the Red Prince being the one destined to sire dragons once again.
  • The Emperor: His goal is to regain his throne. It changes partway through the game to fulfilling his destiny with Sadha, although accomplishing this winds up making him emperor anyways.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": People only ever call him "Red Prince" or just "prince." It seems possible that his name really is Red Prince.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Complains to the ship's cook that he's used to 12-course dinners and can't eat the ship's rations she's trying to serve him. If you speak to him yourself, he'll evaluate your character and try to make them one of his slaves.
  • Evil Brit: He's got a posh-sounding accent, allowing you to invoke this trope if you play him as a bastard.
  • The Evil Prince: Can be played this way, but as a follower he's mostly an aversion. He's certainly got bad qualities, most prominently his arrogance, but he's got a good heart that doesn't take much to unearth.
  • The Exile: Was exiled from his homeland in the ancient empire for mysterious reasons. If asked, he explains that it was because the succubus he had been sleeping with decided to try to kill him, and when he killed her, she let out a shriek that could be heard throughout the city, revealing his consorting with demons.
  • Expy: To Edmund. Both are talented lizard war generals that see themselves as superior to everyone around them. They even share the same voice actor!
  • Fantastic Racism: Like most lizards. Though as a party member, it's hard to gauge how much of it is due to actual racism, his snobbiness, or whether it's just a part of his coping mechanism. As the player character this can be defied or played painfully straight; there's a particularly nasty thing you can do to Sebille that is exclusive to the Red Prince: give her back to the Shadow Prince, as Sebille is an elf and therefore "of no use" to the Prince. Even the Shadow Prince is shocked by how awful that is!
  • Fish out of Water: Being raised and kept inside a palace for the great majority of one's life makes it difficult to survive the roads or interact with the common folk. Fortunately, as you travel with him, he'll begin to express comfort.

    The Red Prince: ...But ever since we decided to be so bold as to bid our farewell to Fort Joy by any means, it's all been rather… fun.

  • Food as Characterization: He is introduced refusing a meal because he expects a twelve-course dinner befitting royalty... while he's incarcerated on a foreign prison ship. Fortunately for his companions, his Character Development makes him less of a Royal Brat.
  • Genius Bruiser: In a subversion of usual Lizard Folk tropes, the Red Prince is a sophisticated scholar in addition to a warrior. Lizard combat animations in general have a more elegant flair to them compared to the other races, but they're most pronounced with Red Prince since he's the one you'll be interacting with the most.
  • Gilded Cage: He's so important, he wasn't ever allowed outside the palaces of his homeland. When speaking to him in Act II, your avatar can mention this trope verbatim.

    Avatar: *Say that from the sound of it, he suffered from gilded cage syndrome.*
    The Red Prince: Exactly. I did not suffer the boredom of some spoiled brat: mine was the absolute absence of challenge — the longing not simply to watch the horizon, but to journey towards it.

  • God-Emperor: He is a Godwoken, and would happily take the Seven Gods' position if given the chance.
  • The Good King: As the player character, he can treat his subjects and kin very kindly... or treat them like garbage, it's up to you. Depending on your choices, he may end up as one of these when he reclaims his throne, siring the new generation of dragons without using them for conquest, and acting as a far more progressive ruler than the Ancient Empire is used to.
  • Hidden Depths: While normally pretty unflappable (read: a prick), acting affectionate towards him can provoke some responses hinting at a good heart underneath all that snob, foreshadowing his loneliness and self-loathing. In particular, comforting him with a hug after Sadha gets kidnapped makes him especially vulnerable.
    • He turns out to be quite the romantic, which your character can note being surprising coming from him.
    • In one optional conversation he claims to be a proponent of this trope.

      The Red Prince: I like to believe that we're all more than we appear at first glance.

  • Hidden Heart of Gold: A lot more down to earth than he lets on. If you have him pray to the shrine of Amadia at the Seeker camp, a dialogue option unique to him has him silently confess that he really isn't as confident in himself as he makes himself out to be, and in reality is terrified to let himself be vulnerable.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: This is his only excuse for formulating the plan to deploy Deathfog against the Elves. He was asked for a plan, so he came up with one, he didn't want the plan to ever be used.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Because of his lonely upbringing, he started summoning demons in order to keep company. This ultimately led to his downfall when he got too comfortable with them.
  • Impoverished Patrician: Went from royalty to a prisoner in rags and a slave collar around his neck by the time the game starts.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: It starts off subtle, but read between the lines a bit and you'll notice he isn't quite as confident in himself as he makes himself out to be. It comes to a head during the trip to Horrorsleep, wherein the demons from his subconscious frequently tell him he's "not good enough" and never will be, culminating in a battle against himself (rather, a mental projection of how he views himself). The extremely unpleasant way he imagines himself implies a far greater degree of self-awareness than initially implied. In short, Red Prince has some serious self-loathing issues that he uses a snobby sense of superiority to cover up.
  • Informed Attractiveness: In-universe, he's seen as incredibly handsome. Since he's a lizard, it's pretty hard to tell how true that claim is.
  • Insufferable Genius: Less so than Fane, but he loves to flaunt his superior education and privileged background.
  • Jerkass: He can be a genuine prick when he feels like it. As the protagonist, he's got plenty of extremely dickish dialogue options unique to him. His inability to relate to common-folk (initially) and his own internalized self-loathing are the main cause of this.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He's an ass, but more often than not will act as the voice of reason during group decisions. For example, he's against killing the extremely shady Tarquin both because he didn't commit any evil acts willingly, and because even if he did try something there's no way he could overpower your party alone. This turns out to be the right call, as Tarquin's help is a huge boon later in the game.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Post-Character Development. He may be a condescending dick, but ultimately he's a good man that cares immensely for his friends.
  • Lizard Folk: Lizards like him pride themselves on their culture and power. Other races see them as arrogant for their vanity.
  • Lonely at the Top: The main reason he's so aloof is that his sheltered upbringing in the opulent palaces left him with very few people to relate to. The House of Shadows exploited this, tempting him with demons promising companionship. He was so vulnerable that he ended up cavorting with a succubus, leading to his exile.
    • A bit more subtly, the fact that he doesn't even have a name should clue you in to the kind of upbringing he had. Even Sadha, the Red Princess, has a name, despite being equally important and hidden from the world.
  • Love Before First Sight: With Sadha. They apparently dreamed about each other and knew they were meant for each other even before they met. Turns out their love is part of a prophecy that can lead to the rebirth of the dragons, making it fully justified.
  • Love Redeems: Can either be played straight or harshly defied: His love for Sadha can give him renewed purpose and happiness... or he can cut her down for her perceived "betrayal" by swearing herself to the God King. None of the followers, not even Sebille, advocate for the latter option.
  • Love Triangle: Any attempted romance with him creates one of these. He has been in love with a woman he's never met before his quest begins his whole life, and when you finally meet, she loves him just as much. Their love was fated to make them much more likely to have children who will be a new generation of red dragons that had disappeared from Rivellon. And if you try to romance him, he will eventually admit that he loves you too, but his love for the Red Princess will always be first.
    • Even if you play the Red Prince as your character, his dialogue has his love for the Red Princess built into it, but you can romance any of your party members like normal.
  • The Mean Brit: He has a British accent and starts out as a huge Jerkass.
  • Mundane Utility: Like all lizards, he can use his claws to dig. Saves having to find and carry a shovel.
  • Noble Bigot: Frequently hands out prejudiced remarks, but ultimately he's got a good heart.
  • No Name Given: Unusually for a protagonist. He's only ever referred to as Red Prince or sometimes just "Prince".
  • Officer and a Gentleman: His status as nobility leaves him being far more sophisticated than many of his peers, while also having an accomplished career in the House of War. Of course, exactly how polite he is depends on your choices, but he's usually pretty well-mannered, if a bit condescending.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He's always referred to as the Red Prince. He may not actually have a name, given how isolated he was.
  • Parental Neglect: Tells the player that his mother was more of a bodyguard than a mom. Attempts were being made on his life by the House of Shadows as early as his infancy, so arguably this was necessary, but still, it probably didn't help his development much.
  • Playing with Fire: As a lizard, he has access to Dragon Blaze by default.
  • Prince Charmless: Subverted. He's a Jerkass, shallow, and extremely narcissistic, but its mostly played for laughs, and there is a good person in him somewhere.
  • Proud Scholar Race Guy: Has the scholar tag, and is extremely proud of his heritage.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: Lizards are both scholars and warriors.
  • Really Gets Around: In a dialogue option with the owner of an inn, says that he is the greatest lover in all of Rivellon, and has a sizeable body count. As the The Shadow Prince says, "his libido is legendary."
  • Redemption Quest: His personal quest as the player character is titled simply "Redemption". It starts as a quest to regain your lost royalty status, but can branch off into full on atonement depending on how you play.
  • Riches to Rags: Goes from future ruler of a mighty empire to exile on the run. This is reflected in his character art: the fancy gold armor signifies his nobility and power, but like his status, it decays. He's been on the road for so long, some of it is tattered and worn.
  • Royal Brat: Often a jerk to everyone, and will happily remind anyone within a 20 mile radius how much better he is than them. This behavior is likely just to mask his crippling insecurity.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Was pretty accomplished during his time in the House of War, and can potentially act as a major force of good should he be the protagonist or if he is your companion.
  • Sequence Breaking: He alone can make the quest "Speaking in Forked Tongues" easier. There's a red newt in Ryker's mansion who will only be willing to chat with the Red Prince, giving away the means to open up a tightly-locked chest nearby immediately. Normally the only other way to open this tricky chest is to eat the remains of its former owner as an Elf (hidden away in Ryker's basement) and trick out the chest's security that way.
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: See Fish out of Water, he clearly doesn't really know how to act in a socially acceptable manner, as he's used to the cushy life of royalty.
  • Signature Move: Demonic Stare, which drains magic armor from the target and gives it to the Red Prince.
  • Summon Magic: In Act IV, if The Red Prince becomes the father of dragons, hatches one of the eggs, and chooses to bring his child with him, he'll gain a unique skill that allows him to summon his dragonling to aid him in battle.
  • There Is Another: There is another red lizard: Sadha, the Red Princess.
  • Thinks Like a Romance Novel: Perhaps fitting for his royal demeanor, Prince is a hopeless romantic who favors grand gestures and passionate love.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He abruptly grabs you and considers your value as a slave in his first appearance, which sets the stage for most of his conversations thereafter. When a party member has commentary, nine times out of ten the Red Prince is suggesting the ruthless option. For example, he's the only party member who's not horrified when he learns about Lucian's deeds in the Academy, simply saying that Lucian did what was required for any ruler. His unique tagged dialogue options are also by far the most mean-spirited and cruel in the game. Then there's the fact that he was the Crown Prince of a warmongering slavocracy, and even comments on his approval for the slave scar system on the Lady Venegance. He can develop into a better person with Character Development, but it's quite a climb.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He's the one who gave Lucian the idea to use Deathfog in the first place. The Red Prince was only speaking hypothetically at the time and didn't think anyone would actually do it.
  • Wardrobe Flaw of Characterization: He is illustrated with gilded armour and fine clothes that are torn around the edges as a nod to his Noble Fugitive status.
  • Warrior Prince: Is a fighter by default, and he widely know as a powerful conqueror and tactician.



Voiced by: Tamaryn Payne

"All my life I've been a performer, a musician; beloved and celebrated by all. But I have a secret: I'm also a playground for sprites and spirits and... worse. The voice that rings inside me now is darker than any that came before. Almost caused a bunch of my fans to rip each other to pieces... But you can trust me: I've got this under control. Step one: Find out who — or what — is trying to take control of my mind. Step two: Make it sorry it ever tried."

A famous bard who is trying to get rid of a mysterious force that seeks to control her mind.

Her origin story can be viewed here.

  • Affectionate Nickname: She calls Malady "Mals," and as a companion she calls the main character "chief."
  • All the Other Reindeer: The demon inside of her has done its damnedest to make sure she isolates herself from any potential source of help or comfort, all while Gaslighting her to convince her to abandon her passions and tell her that nobody else even cares about her or wants to help even if they could. As a result, she's very slow to trust you despite her seemingly outgoing exterior (indeed, her personal quest is set up in a way that makes it impossible to get her to trust you until Act 2)
  • The Bard: A famous singer and musician.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Her eyes turn progressively darker the more the demon exerts control over her. You can see the effect in her origin story.
  • Book Dumb: She's not the most studious person out there. Of note is that she doesn't quite know who the infamous Braccus Rex is.
  • But Thou Must!: As the player character, the demon will make itself known by changing your dialogue options to all be the same thing; what the demon wants you to say/do. Sometimes there is a persuasion check that allows Lohse to resist, but they are often difficult.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: She has the Jester trait, and often gets distracted in conversation.
  • Dance Battler: While she uses the same animations as everyone else in the game, if her song is to be taken as an indication of her battle style, she's one of these.

    Swing with me, we'll make them scream
    Dance with me, we'll make them bleed

  • Deadpan Snarker: Lapses into this when annoyed or angry.
  • Demonic Possession: Her goal is to get the demon out of her head. Her possession is WAY worse than it looks. Jahan is impressed she didn't give in to The Doctor years ago.
  • Destructive Romance: If you play her as your main character, you hear her interactions with her demon. It has all the signs of an abusive relationship: He forces her to isolate herself from outside help (by trying to murder people who might aid her), insists that she's "forcing" him to punish her (nearly making her gouge out her own eyes when she doesn't want to listen to him) and explains that she is Refused by the Call - there is nothing special about her, the gods don't want her and the only value she can attain is in cooperation with him. Her arc is about getting away from him... or accepting him.
  • Fighting from the Inside: As time goes on, she has to fight harder and harder to keep control of herself.
  • Gollum Made Me Do It: The demon will sometimes take over—or at least try to—and force her to do evil.
  • Grand Theft Me: What the demon is trying to do to her.
  • Hope Spot: What finally gets her to trust the rest of the party (and, depending on what you choose to say, fall in love with your character) is you giving her one of these. After a failed exorcism by Jahan, Lohse is catatonic, with The Doctor seemingly taking complete control. She recounts the experience as being completely lost in an endless void, with nowhere to go but into the embrace of the demon. Suddenly, she hears your voice calling out to her, which she runs towards, temporarily releasing her from The Doctor's control. After this, she's a lot more approachable and less-snarky towards your group.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Those that are able to see the demon can't differentiate him from her, and thus see her as something so horrifyingly wrong that she should not exist.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: If she talks to Saheila in Fort Joy, the demon will make her attack her. The only way to end the situation peacefully, without killing Saheila or the others in the cave, is to attack Lohse instead until the demon's control is broken.
  • I Know Your True Name: In Act II and Act III. The player can do this if she is not the main character.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: She tries to be this, but the demon inside her isn't a fan.
  • Madness Mantra: "Hail, Hail, Hail, Hail, Hail."
  • Mercy Kill Arrangement: After Act I, she makes one with the player when they try to recruit her on the Lady Vengeance, since her demon problem is getting much worse and she wants somebody to stop her if she tries to hurt someone. She won't join the party unless you agree.
  • Nay-Theist: She has a pretty low opinion of the gods. They don't want anything to do with her, so she doesn't want anything to do with them.
  • Nice Girl: Aside from the demon inside her head, Lohse is a rather friendly and playful woman who does her best to lift up the spirits of people around her, being the friendliest of the group alongside Ifan and Beast.
  • One-Song Bard: Lohse is a world-famous bard and several NPCs recognize her as such, but she only ever sings one song in the game, "Sing To Me." This is justified by the fact that the powerful demon that is possessing her hates music on principle; the first time she tries to sing in the story, he makes her break her lute, and she doesn't sing for the second and final time in the game until after he has been exorcised from her shortly before the final act.
  • Refused by the Call: Despite the fact that she is Godwoken, all the old gods, including her own, basically say that she should not be the new Divine, due to her little possession problem. In fact, they encourage you to straight up kill her. Not that she cares too much. In fact, her own god even ignores her.
  • Sad Clown: She tries to keep a smile on her face, and lighten the mood for those around her, but as time goes by it becomes harder and harder for her to keep it up as the demon becomes more powerful and her willpower begins to fray.
  • Sadistic Choice: In order to weaken Adramahlihk enough to give herself a fighting chance against him, Lohse must snuff out the souls of all the other people he has sezied control of. The demon has claimed thousands of souls. In order for Lohse to be free, thousands not only must die, but they must cease to exist, all by her hand. It's a very, very difficult decision that weighs heavily on her conscience.
    • Can be averted if the player chooses to leave then fights Adramahlihk at his full power. While it's exceedingly difficult, it's possible and when talking to Lohse afterwards she expresses relief that they were able to free the souls.
  • Signature Move: Maddening Song, which turns everyone around Lohse insane, and makes them attack each other. Unfortunately, it's severely buggy.
  • Ship Tease: If she isn't the main character, after Jahan's initial attempt at an exorcism fails, when she tells you about what she was experiencing, she notes that it was only your voice calling out to her that let her come back to her body. While she ponders what that means, you can tell her that she is very important to you, a clearly romantic option, or say that being there for each other is what friends do. The latter response causes her to say that you being there for her is enough, even if...then she cuts herself off and says no more, implying that she may have feelings for you herself even if you don't reciprocate. And if you officially start a romance with someone who isn't Lohse right before Act 4, she has a special dialogue option where she sadly accepts that you don't feel the same way towards her as she does towards you.
  • Skunk Stripe: Has a white one going through her hair, to represent how her consciousness isn't entirely her own.
  • Spoony Bard: While she does not fit into the gameplay definition of this trope, she acts as somewhat of a Plucky Comic Relief and has the dialogue choices to take things not so seriously.
  • The End... Or Is It?: In every epilogue she has as a party member, as your conversation ends, her eyes darken and she gives you a wicked smile before returning to normal, even if you exorcised the Doctor.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: When Lohse is finally acknowledged by the seven gods, she can respond to their own "The Reason You Suck" Speech with a big Take That! to Rhalic for not even wanting her to be the new Divine.
  • Voice of the Legion: After her personal quest is over, she can play her song, "Sing To Me," and use the spirits possessing her as a background chorus.
  • The Unchosen One: Notable in that she's the only character in the main cast who isn't a champion for any of the gods. Though that's in large part because she's been "chosen" by another entity entirely.


Beast / Marcus Miles

Voiced by: Alec Newman

"I was just thinking about someone I used to know. My cousin. The queen, in fact. A tyrant. I tried to stop her, but — things don't always go according to plan. She cast me out to a forgotten island, and me short work of my allies, too. Lucky for me, I was able to commandeer a ship, and began a new life for myself, out on the high seas. But I hear the Queen is at it again — and there's something darker behind her madcap schemes this time. If I don't stop her, I don't know who will."

A dwarven bastard prince who was exiled to a remote island for inciting a rebellion. He survived, but the wilderness changed him.

His origin story can be viewed here.

  • Ambiguous Disorder: He seems to suffer from some form of arrested development. Whatever it is, it seems to stem from his trauma of being exiled to the Isle of Mists.
  • Badass Beard: Grew it when he was on the Isle of Mists.
  • Bald of Awesome: He's got quite a shiny dome. Doesn't make him any less lovable.
  • Base-Breaking Character: An In-Universe example. No two Dwarves have the same thing to say about Beast. At court: lovable prankster or disgraceful bastard? As a revolutionary: just freedom fighter or bitter terrorist? At sea: A dashing rogue or an honorless pirate?
  • Bastard Bastard: Marcus is an illegitimate son, and can be played as a self-centered pirate trying to kill the Queen out of personal spite. As a party member, he explains it to the player character as being a Bastard, "both the figurative and literal kind" (though he's probably just being humble, seeing as by all other accounts he's a Nice Guy).
  • Beneath the Mask: To say he fails to live up to his fearsome reputation would be an understatement. He tries to put on a brave face when you first meet, but the facade crumbles pretty quickly and we see he is an awkward Nice Guy that stammers his way through "inspiring" speeches and makes delightfully bad jokes.
  • Character Development: Starts off as a crass, immature but ultimately kindhearted pirate, but can potentially end the game as a surprisingly even-tempered and far more mature man (see Humble Hero below for details).
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Shown in Godwoken to be his downfall. He refused to stand idly by and allow the local lizard population (which includes children) to be executed without trial. Eventually he gets betrayed by one of his men and exiled under false charges.
  • The Charmer: Most of his dialogue interrupts have him demonstrate formidable charisma, befriending just about every dwarf he meets after just a few short exchanges, one of which can result in your party getting their source collars removed quite easily. The exceptions to this are the dwarves that work (or have worked) for Queen Justinia, such as Lohar (though this turns out to be a misunderstanding).
  • Cool Old Guy: Beast is very friendly to your character and has the least conflict with the rest of the Origin characters, likely due to his quest and character interactions being relatively segregated from everyone else (none of the other characters have anything unique to say about the likes of Queen Justinia or Lohar, for example).
  • Father Neptune: Beast can determine the direction a ship is sailing in without feeling the winds or seeing where he's going just based on the sounds that it makes.
  • Flipping the Bird: A wonderfully elaborate version. When Lohar's bodyguard questions Beast, he buries his hand in his beard before sticking it out, middle finger extended. The guard is so surprised that he doesn't even try to stop him. He does warn him not to do the same to Lohar though.
  • Heroic Bastard: Marcus is an illegitimate son, but can be played as a good person trying to look out for the little people and stop the Queen's evil plans for the good of the Dwarven kingdom and the world.
  • Hero of Another Story: In many ways, his uprising against Justinia is this - you don't actually see it, it happened in the past, but The Resistance is still going on offscreen.
  • Humble Hero: Should he become Divine, if the player tries to kneel before him, he immediately tells you to cut it out, and that he doesn't want to be worshiped in the way Lucian was. Rather, Beast wants to command respect, earned by good deeds and serving the people of Rivellon.
  • I Call It "Vera": His bicorne is named Fran.
  • Lovable Rogue: Can be played this way, and as a companion he is this in spades. The fact that Dwarves start with a small bonus to sneaking helps.
  • Magic Knight: His default class is the Battlemage, which specializes in powerful melee attacks empowered by his magic.
  • Manchild: Although it's not immediately obvious. His exploits in the royal court, frequent jokes, and other strange quirks can clue you in. His immaturity with his royal power compared to his cousin Justinia is what actually created the rift between them. Plus, his entire motivation for becoming Divine is to use his power to free the dwarves, and... that's it. Depending on the ending, he can either grow up and accept his responsibility as royalty, or continue his swashbuckling life.
  • Nice Guy: Very chummy, if a bit crass. He is also the least morally complex of the party, so as long as you've got his back, hes got yours.
  • Nice Hat: Has the high-class sailor's hat (named Fran) in his artwork and when he's on the Merryweather. Sadly, it disappears immediately after that, but if he's in the party he can get it back during Act 3.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Dwarven Pirate Sourcerer Godwoken of Noble Blood.
  • Non-Indicative Name: He discarded his old name of Marcus Miles in favor of going exclusively by Beast. Despite that name, he's pretty friendly and measured.
  • Out of Focus: Prior to the Definitive Edition, Beast had little involvement in the game's main plot, and mostly existed as a Plucky Comic Relief with little depth of character. Thankfully, the Definitive Edition fixed this, giving him plenty of story beats throughout the game and adding another layer to his character to flesh him out a bit.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's a dwarf, and just as badass as the rest of your crew.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Similar to Lohse (at least, when the demon in her head isn't taking over) Beast provides quite a lot of comedic remarks and awkward jokes if he tags along.
  • The Resistance: He started one against his cousin. As it turns out, it's actually still going on - albeit offscreen.
  • Royal Blood: He doesn't really live up to it, though. Whether or not being a bastard had anything to do with it, Marcus was never suited to the life of a noble. He played frequent pranks and he even admits that he probably would've been sent away sooner if Justinia hadn't protected him. In one of his possible endings, he returns to court and it takes no time at all for him to embarrass himself publicly, at which point he heads right back to the pirate's life. He still has the "Noble" trait, which comes in handy when talking to the likes of Paulina Kemm.
  • Sequence Breaking: Should Beast be in the party upon reaching Amadia's Sanctuary, one of the dwarves there will offer to release the whole party from their source collars, even if Gareth hasn't made it back yet.
  • Shock and Awe: See signature move, below. Aside from that, his default class of Battlemage starts with electric damage spells.
  • Signature Move: Blinding Squall, which does massive lightning damage and blinds enemies in a target area.
  • Taken for Granite: The Dwarven racial ability, Petrifying Touch, is a melee-range spell that does Earth damage and petrifies its target.
  • That Man Is Dead: Discarded the name Marcus Miles when he was exiled.
  • Token Good Teammate: Granted, the other Origin Characters aren't necessarily evil, but compared to the other protagonists, Beast's motivation is the least self-serving (while he has personal beef with Justinia, his heart is ultimately with the Dwarven people). In gameplay, Beast always advocates for the "good" option whenever the player is faced with a choice that prompts the party to chime in. However, while Beast means well, his decisions are often short-sighted and he sometimes fails to see the big picture.
  • Unreliable Expositor: Beast is the players' main insight into Queen Justinia. Given that he is a pirate and, of course has an agenda, he may be exaggerating a tad, and he has reason to. This is changed a little more in the Definitive Edition, he relays quite a few stories to the player about his relationship with her, almost all of them show her to be quite a nice gal. Beast's dilemma now comes from what on Earth happened to her that turned her into such a tyrant. Turns out, her advisor, Isabeil, acted as a shoulder devil and swayed Justinia towards more tyranical ruling methods, exploiting Justinia's fear of the rising political tides elsewhere in the world. Beast and Justinia meet each other halfway in the good ending to Beast's quest.
  • Wizard Beard: A notable example because Beast is the only Origin or custom character that is incapable of going clean-shaven, and is a magic user by default. Even if you respec him so that he isn't a mage, he'll always have at least one Earth attack (the dwarven racial ability) and one Electric attack (his unique Source spell).
  • Wizard Classic: Not obvious at first, but he is an old, experienced, long-bearded traveller who picked up many magical tricks during his time wandering the earth and has a sage, eccentric, yet paternal attitude. The player can choose to play this even straighter by dressing him in robes and having him carry a staff.



Voiced by: Alix Wilton Regan

"I used to be a slave, kept under the thumb of the Master; the bastard that made me hunt down my own kin. How did he do that, you ask? With the living scar you see on my cheek, this horror that takes no more than a song sung by Master dearest to control my very thoughts. But now the tables have turned. I broke my shackles. And when I finally find him, I will make the Master sing a very different kind of song..."

An elven slave who broke free from her magical bondage and now seeks revenge on her former Master.

Her origin story can be viewed here.

  • Ambiguous Disorder: It's never outright stated, but various cues like her at first reflexively jerking away from physical contact, abrupt moodswings and fits of violence in the first chapter (before she comes back to her senses and apologizes), her uncharacteristically uncomfortable demeanor when initially asked about her past, her unusually precise recollections of traumatic events in her life, her alluding to thinking she deserves death more than once, and her usual snarky and confident personality disappearing when talking about her kidnapping all point to undiagnosed PTSD.
  • Animal Eyes: Seems to be an elf thing (it's hard to tell with most elves, although Malady, who's half elf, has them too), but she has gold cat eyes, most visible on loading screens. Interestingly, Tir-Cendilius, the elven god, comments on them, when asked why he chose her, sarcastically suggesting that they were the reason (it was actually her skill and resourcefulness).
  • Animal Motifs: The narrator often compares her to a cat, especially during romance-related dialogue. For example, the final line of her romance path:

    Narrator: Sebille cups your cheek in her hand, and in her soft cat's eyes you read the prospect of tender days to come...

    • She makes the comparison in-universe at least once, comparing herself to "a cat that has been shown too much unkindness" when she apologizes for her initially brusque demeanor.
  • Badass Bookworm: She's highly intelligent and well-learned (including having the scholar tag), and has a large body count from her days as an assassin.
  • Birds of a Feather: While romance between them is completely optional, she and Ifan have a lot in common. Specifically, they're both assassins with high body counts, they both have a great affinity for elves and mourn the loss of their homeland (Sebille because she is an elf, Ifan because he grew up amongst elves and was partly responsible for said homeland's destruction), both hate their former bosses (Sebille because he was her slavemaster, Ifan after he realized what he made him do), both have hostile interactions with the mercenary leader Roost (Sebille for getting info on her former slavemaster, Ifan for "failing" to kill his mark), both have the outlaw tag, both are Jerks With A Heart Of Gold who are brusque and cynical but stand up for innocents by default, and both are rogue archetypes (Sebille being melee, and Ifan being ranged).
  • Blood Knight: She really, really enjoys killing, even describing being allowed to kill as "romantic".
  • Blood Magic: The elven racial ability Flesh Sacrifice can be used to gain a damage buff and an extra Action Point at the cost of their constitution.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: Like other elves in the Divinity universe, she can eat body parts to gain the memories and abilities of the people said body parts belonged to.
  • Captured on Purpose: To get to Stingtail, who she knows is in Fort Joy, and who she thinks can remove her slave scar (or at least direct her to her former master). Specifically, she walked up to a Magister, asked if this was the ship to Fort Joy, and announced that she was a Sourceror. Whether she thought about how to escape afterwards is unknown, however.
  • Cast from Hit Points: The elven racial ability Flesh Sacrifice, which decreases your endurance by one temporarily, making it take fewer hits to kill you. In return, however, you get an extra AP immediately, and a 10 percent damage bonus for two turns.
  • Character Development: Starts as a paranoid antisocial, but if freed from both the Mother Tree and the Shadow Prince, she becomes a famous hero of Rivellon, travelling the world and hailed across taverns far and wide.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Outside of combat, she is quite calm, if snarky as all get out and with a flair for the dramatic. IN combat, however, she turns on the ham, yelling out lines like "I'll yield to none!" and obviously having the time of her life.
  • The Chosen One: Not only is she Godwoken, she's also the Prime Scion of the elven people, which is described as being the heart of the tree for the elves, while all other Scions are merely branches.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Knows just how to disable her opponents, to get the unfair advantage. For example, within ten minutes of arriving at Fort Joy, she can give nutshots to two people (one of whom has to be in her party) and threaten a third with one. And when she finds her former master, who can control her with his voice, she stabs him in the neck to keep him from talking. Not to mention, as a rogue by default, her most powerful move is a Back Stab.
  • Covered with Scars: Some dialogue notes that her arms are scarred with the names of the people she's killed (this in addition to the large scar on her face), though they aren't visible on her model.
  • Deadpan Snarker: In party banter, she tends to be rather sarcastic.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Similarly to Red Prince, she gets less confrontational over time.
  • Eat Brain for Memories: Brains, limbs, any sizeable leftover will do. Like all elves, Sebille can devour memories along with the flesh of humanoids, giving her a new skill, some XP or some other benefit like a story clue. She's apparently more attuned to this ability than most; she can sometimes get a random memory off a still-living person just by licking their arm.
  • Easily Forgiven: She seems to forgive Lucian pretty easily for destroying her home and nearly genociding her race as collateral damage, being content if you take the Seal the Veil ending and even referring to him as a "good man" (while saying this might not make for a good god). It's implied that the combination of his plan for dealing with the Black Ring, Voidwoken, and Seven being successful and him giving massive reparations to the elves in the epilogue were enough for her. Ifan, if not played as the player character, holds a much stronger grudge.
  • Enslaved Elves: Like many elves after the death fog incident destroyed their homeland, she was enslaved by the lizards for much of her life. She's trying to ensure that she will never be used like that again.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She may be a ruthless killer that may end up creating conflicts with other party members, but even she shows disdain for the actions of the likes of Lucian and the Voidwoken.
  • Every Scar Has a Story: Every scar she has — except her slave scar, which has its own story — represents a person she has killed, or who she plans to kill. Later, she has her own name scarred into her left arm by Tir-Cendelius. This proves important later still, when she learns that all of the names on her left arm are elven scions.
  • Fantastic Racism: She has nothing but disdain for lizards, due to the fact that one of their number enslaved her and made her kill her own people, although she can be played as having some respect for the Red Prince and, as a party member, empathizes with a lizard slave.
  • Femme Fatale: She isn't above using seduction to get the job done. In the official artbook, Dan Iorgulescu, the concept artist, describes her as "a deadly assassin for whom charm is just as effective a weapon as any dagger", and designing her character around that aspect.
  • First-Name Basis: Aside from a few blink and you'll miss it moments in conversations, Sebille is always referred to by her first name.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Sebille is the coldest and most openly hostile of the origin characters. It's very easy to get her to try and kill you before you even have the chance for her to join your party, and her quest often pushes her to kill characters that the others need alive. Downplayed, though, in that she can get nicer depending on Relationship Values.
  • Graceful Loser: If she dies during Act 1, she's pretty chill considering the circumstances when you meet up with her as a spirit, and later, an undead. She only asks that you kill the Shadow Prince for her.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: If romanced, her sex scene abruptly cuts midway through to the morning after, when she'll ask the PC if s/he's ready for round five...
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: In her picture. The designers said that they were going for an attractive yet practical in combat wardrobe for her (on account of her being a Femme Fatale). They settled on a form-fitting leather outfit with subtle leaf motifs, since she had to give up most of her elven heritage when she became a slave.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Taking her to some libraries will have her commenting on how she'd like to peruse the literature, and when relating her past to the PC, she says that she used to love reading poetry. It's not for nothing that she has the Scholar tag by default.
    • She's also quite a romantic - her romance-related conversations are very affectionate and touchy-feely, and display a great degree of emotional vulnerability. At the end of the game, if you take the Seal the Veil, Divinity, or Release the Source endings, she'll claim that love is more powerful than divinity.
  • Hunter of His Own Kind: Was forced to hunt her own kind while a slave. Part of her motivation for wanting to kill her master is revenge for that.
  • Horrifying Hero: She's a Knife Nut, Covered with Scars, wears an all-black outfit in her intro video and promotional art, uses Blood Magic, and (like all elves) consumes flesh to gain memories, but is fundamentally a good person. In her sex scene, she detects that even the player character is a bit freaked out by all this, but assures them that she could never hurt them.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: Her primary motivation is to get her slave scar removed, so that she can never be controlled using it again.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite her being very rough around the edges, she has a big soft spot for those who have also been enslaved, captured, or used against their will. After all, she can empathize with their suffering. She's also consistently friendly to the PC after Act 1.
  • Knife Nut: She wields two daggers both in her image on the loading screen and if you recruit her as her default class of Rogue, and she really does know how to use them. However, she doesn't fit the mentally unbalanced part of the trope, being more angry and snarky than anything.
  • Made a Slave: Via her scar. It was given to her by Stingtail to allow her master to control her with a song.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: It goes uncommented on, but if she romances anyone but Fane then the relationship is inevitably this due to Elves being more or less immortal.
  • Neck Lift: She lifts Stingtail by his neck while interrogating him to keep him from getting away. If she kills him after interrogating him (and is your avatar), the Red Prince, if he's in your party, does the same to her since she just killed one of his kinsmen. To get down, she can kick him between the legs, though he still remains angry afterwards. He doesn't try to attack you, though, just asks why you killed Stingtail.
  • Never Be Hurt Again: She never wants to be used as a slave again, and she will happily kill anyone she must to accomplish that.
  • Never Hurt an Innocent: She emphasizes that revenge must be carefully aimed rather than indiscriminate, and criticizes the Voidwoken for their Revenge by Proxy approach after learning about their origins. This trait is first demonstrated when she threatens to kill the player character for possibly exposing her cover to Stingtail, which she can be convinced not to do by simply asking her. In tagged dialogue and party banter, she tends to favor sparing or empathizing with innocents (especially those who were imprisoned or enslaved), and one of her conversations has her remarking that one of the reasons she's hunting the Shadow Prince and his associates, aside from her own revenge, is to gain justice for the innocents they forced her to kill. In another conversation where she contemplates whether she deserves death as much as the people she's killing due to the joy she takes in violence, the player character can point out that unlike them she never hurts innocents, which assuages her.
  • Now What?: One of the dialogue choices you have if Sebille is your main character, after she kills her master, is wondering what she should do now that her master is dead. The other is unbridled celebration. Averted if she's one of the player's party members; she always reacts the latter way.
  • Professional Killer: She was one... and now she is hunting her old master.
  • Power Perversion Potential: She can read memories by tasting flesh which, if romanced, she puts to use during her sex scene.
  • Restraining Bolt: Her scar acts as one, allowing her master to control her thoughts with a song.
  • Revenge: She really, really wants to take this against her former master, after all the horrible things he made her do against her own people. The height of her character arc is her doing this to said master.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Of the "working up the chain" variety. She will kill anyone who knows something about the location of her master and refuses to tell her. Or does tell her but she has a grudge against, like Stingtail (who carved the scar in her skin) or Roost (who kidnapped her to begin with). Rivellon is surely better off without them.
  • Proud Beauty: If romanced, her sex scene has a dialogue option where the PC can call her beautiful. Her response is "I know", followed by ordering the PC to strip in turn.
  • Screw Destiny: Even though she is destined to become the new heart of the Mother Tree, she can instead choose to kill it. Seeing as part of the reason she left elven lands was how domineering she found the mother tree, this is perfectly in character for her. Taken further when she meets Saheila once more in Arx, in which she rejects her idea of an Elven revolution.
  • Signature Move: Break the Shackles, which removes almost all negative statuses she has on her.
  • Slave Brand: The magic scar on her cheek, which also doubles as a restraining bolt, allowing her master to thoroughly control her. She wants it gone, ASAP.
  • Statuesque Stunner: The text describes her as beautiful, she's a romance option, and as an elf woman she's about a head taller than a human player character.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Upon learning about the origins of the Voidwoken, she states that she empathizes with them, but cannot permit their course of action.
  • Win Your Freedom: She will never be truly be free as long as her old master is alive and can play song that controls her scar.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: If played the right way, she can eventually (very) grudgingly admit that, for a Lizard, the Red Prince isn't that bad a guy.


Ifan Ben-Mezd

Voiced by: Chris Finney

"Once, I was a crusader for the Divine Order. I pledged my life to Lucian the Divine. But the war changed everything. He sent me to save the elves I grew up amongst. I arrived too late. Lucian ordered the use of Deathfog against the Black Ring, annihilating everyone I once knew in the process. Now, I'm a mercenary killer, one of the infamous Lone Wolves. And my next target is none other than Lucian's own son..."

A member of the infamous mercenary band known as the Lone Wolves, and, before that, a soldier in the Divine Order.

His origin story can be viewed here.

  • Animal Motifs: Has a lot of wolf characteristics, like sharp pointed teeth, and curling up when sleeping or unconscious.
  • Antivillain: Type V. By and large, Ifan is easily one of the nicest and friendliest Origin characters, but is classified by the game as a villain due to being a member of an Always Chaotic Evil assassin's guild.
    • However, while Ifan is certainly kind on a personal level (and due to the way his personal quest is set up, he'll likely warm up to you faster than the other party members) the trauma of war has clearly not been kind to his moral judgement. He'll gladly kill Hannag and Alexandar if given the chance, and when a choice needs to be made he will sometimes advocate the more questionable but self-serving options. If you're good to him, however, he becomes more upstanding and willing to listen to reason.
  • Birds of a Feather: If he's the PC and romances Sebille, or vice-versa. See her entry for details.
  • Broken Pedestal: His respect for the Divine crumbles as he learns what happened that awful night when the deathfog was released on the Black Ring and unsuspecting elves, and how he was tricked into perpetrating it by Lucian himself.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: He doesn't view his high body count as anything special.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Claims to have left the Divine Order because of this. He says the same of the Lone Wolves later in the game.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: A variation. Prior to the final boss, he'll call out Lucian for everything he has done in a combination of rage and sadness. Lucian, tellingly, barely reacts, causing Ifan to initiate combat if the player lets him.
  • Captured on Purpose: Let himself be captured by the Magisters and sent to Fort Joy in order to get at Lucian's son, Bishop Alexandar the Innocent, who he has a contract to kill.
  • Character Development: Starts the game as a contract killer who, while friendly on a personal level, can unflinchingly carry out contracts even on people as kind as Saheila. If you complete his quest, he shakes off the Heroic BSoD inflicted by Lucian using him to nuke the elves with Deathfog, takes down the Lone Wolves, and, if he gets his way, shares the source of the Divine with everyone in Rivellon.
  • Contract on the Hitman: Part of the way through Act I, he discovers that the Lone Wolves have a contract on all Godwoken, including him. This starts the process by which he decides to no longer be a Lone Wolf.
  • Cutscene Power to the Max: In the Nameless Isle, he can kill Bishop Alexandar in one hit during a cutscene. During gameplay, it's very hard to make him able to do this, especially to a boss enemy.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: The war against the Black Ring and the death of Lucian really hit Ifan hard. He started working as a mercenary and assassin to fill the void. He eventually finds his purpose in sharing the power of Source with everyone in Rivellon, leading to a (temporary) golden age.
  • Forgiveness: If he's the player character he can forgive Lucian despite everything he's done and even willingly give up his Source as part of Lucian's plan. Some dialogue afterwards can even have him state he trusts the former Divine. Averted he's a companion: he'll never side with him and if the player does so he makes it clear they're dead to him.
  • Friendly Sniper: Probably the nicest guy you can recruit to your party, and with his default class of Wayfarer is absolutely deadly with a bow or crossbow, the fantasy equivalent of a sniper rifle.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Brutally efficient in his work, but he proves to ultimately have a good heart.
  • It's Personal: Initially he's only after Alexandar because he has a contract on him, but he then finds out that the destruction of the elven homelands was always the plan, and that both Lucian and Alexandar were in on it. Ifan then makes it his mission to beat answers out of Alexandar, and kill him after he's satisfied.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Ifan's tagged dialogue options are usually sarcastic or cynical, and he starts the game as a member of an evil assassin order who alludes to having killed innocents in the past. Despite this, he does have a strong moral compass that sometimes comes out (particularly when elves are involved), and can become a straight hero via Character Development. Some of his tagged dialogue options also involve shooing people away after helping them, or denying that he did so for altruistic reasons, even if he clearly did.
  • Long-Range Fighter: He's specced as a Wayfarer by default, and all promotional art for the game that depicts him (including the main loading screen) show him wielding a crossbow.
  • Lovable Rogue: A member of the infamous Lone Wolves, an outlaw, and extremely playful if romanced.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When it's revealed that there was no portal for the elves, and that the device he was delivering to them was actually a Deathfog bomb.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: Ifan's soul wolf Afrit.
  • Mage Marksman: Ifan's default class is Wayfarer, which encourages using a crossbow in combination with Geomancy.
  • My Greatest Failure: If your main character gets to know him, he can relate a story to them about the destruction of the infamous Black Ring insurgency. He was working for Lucian at the time as a Paladin, and when it was decided to release and ignite Deathfog in the forest where they were hiding, Lucian gave him time to give the innocent elves also residing there warning about what was going to happen. Before he could reach them, the Deathfog was ignited, killing all of them.
  • No Man Should Have This Power: He thinks that there should be no Divine, and that the Source should be spread amongst all equally, after becoming disillusioned with the Divine.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Lucian came to more or less the exact same conclusion about the Seven Gods that Ifan came to about Lucian.
  • Not So Stoic: Gives one Hell of a scathing speech to Lucian before the final battle, with far more emotion on display than he had shown anywhere else in the game.
  • Only Sane Man: Often comes off as this, as he's far less hammy than the other members of the party.
  • Pals with Jesus: He was a former friend and soldier for Lucian.
  • Professional Killer: A member of the Lone Wolves, and a former member of the Divine Order.
  • Raised by Natives: Raised by elves after his parents, merchant traders, were killed by bandits in their homeland, and he mourns for the destruction of their lands just as much as Sebille, who is an actual elf.
  • Revenge: Seeks the death of Alexandar not just because he's been hired to, but because Alexandar was in on the deathfog conspiracy that destroyed the elven homeland. With a high attitude rating or persuasion it is possible to talk him out of it. His unique tagged dialogue options involving Alexandar are all some variant "I will kill Alexandar" or "I will kill Alexandar after I do X."
  • Sequence Breaking: He can immediately give you non-violent access to the Lone Wolf outpost at the sawmill. The only other way to do this is to kill the false Baran Levere and take his ring, then show it to the guards.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: It's shown in Godwoken that he is suffering from PTSD.
  • Signature Move: Soul Wolf, which allows him to summon a wolf companion.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Has the Pet Pal talent by default, which lets him speak with any animals he encounters.
  • Suicide Mission: Lucian sent him to deliver a Deathfog bomb to the elves, which could have VERY easily killed him too.
  • Summon Magic: His Source skill is to summon a wolf.
  • Terse Talker: Doesn't have much to say initially, but he warms up pretty quickly.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Lucian made him believe that he was saving the elves; In reality, Ifan doomed their lands to ruin.
  • We Used to Be Friends: While his relationship with Lucian was already soured (to the point that he doesn't hesitate to kill the latter's son) it turns into murderous rage when he finds out that he sent Ifan to disperse Deathfog on the Elves under the pretense of evacuating them. By the end all he wants to do is kill Lucian and can never side with him if he's not the player character. His relationship with the PC becomes this as well if they side with Lucian, especially if he was romanced.



Voiced by: Cristopher Bonwell

"Oh, don't stare. How would you look after aeons in some ghastly crypt? But your people are rather prone to death. Mine are not. Yet when I emerged from my completely unjustified imprisonment, I found them gone, our culture forgotten, any trace of the world I knew all but obliterated. I must even hide my true face beneath an ever-shifting mask for fear you savages will attack me! That is how I wander this strange world, trying to uncover the truth about a history you primitive people never knew existed."

A recently awoken undead who in life belonged to a long-dead civilization from Rivellon's ancient past. Due to his ghastly appearance, he must wear "masks" made from the faces of his victims in order to walk peacefully among the living.

His origin story can be viewed here.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: If you romance Fane right before Act 4 begins, he uses his source powers to bring you into one of his memories where you get to see him as he used to be before becoming a skeleton. His portrait doesn't change for visual reference, but his skin is described as blue-ish grey.
  • Ambiguously Human: By all accounts, he appears to be a living human skeleton (and for the purposes of gameplay, he's designated as an undead human), but he's actually of an ancient race that predates humanity.
  • The Atoner: Fane is horrified to learn that his research led not only to the extinction of his race, but into their eventual mutation into the Voidwoken. He then makes it his mission to find some way to free them. This makes him a ripe target for the God King, who will try swaying Fane to his side.
  • Bittersweet Ending: No matter what you do, he cannot have a Golden Ending:
    • If the Voidwoken are defeated, regardless of the means you use to do so, he'll never see his people or, most crucially for him, his family and assistant ever again, and he has now got to live in a society that fears him for being undead. However, he has come to the conclusion that the logic-driven philosophy of the Eternals isn't as fulfilling as the passion and affection of the current races, and he now appreciates the mortals for what they are, rather than what they aren't, and vows to document the world and its stories, of both his people and the current mortals.
    • If he saves the Eternals at the cost of the mortal races of Rivellon (whether with the God King or without him), then his people are rescued from an eternity of torment and he either returns to his old life or becomes a new authority figure for his people (if the God King is sealed away). However, regardless of his intentions, the Eternals and the mortals cannot coexist, and eventually die out along with his companions. Because this is a player-character Fane exclusive decision, how he feels about this is kept intentionally vague, but considering his final act in the story is to ask Wendigo to document the story of his friends, it's safe to say he is remorseful.
  • Broken Pedestal: His relationship with Amadia wasn't that great, though the two bonded over being the last remaining Eternals. However, it turns out that they actually are not the last Eternals, and in fact Amadia and the Seven used Fane's research to banish every single Eternal into the Void while giving themselves the power of Divinity while Fane and his family rotted in a crypt. Needless to say, Fane harbors quite the grudge after this gets laid out.
    • His daughter, Dallis, also lost all respect for him after his actions ruined the lives of both her and her mother. As a result she is perfectly willing to kill him and his friends to bring her and Lucian's plans to fruition. Even if Dallis survives, the two never properly reconcile.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: If you manage to form a good relationship with him, Fane becomes of two minds. On one hand, he wants to save his people. On the other, he does not want to betray his new friends or bring harm to the mortal races, but realizes he can only accomplish one goal at the expense of the other. It's not something Fane's ever able to really make peace with, which leaves him never fully satisfied with the outcome of any ending.
  • Cool Mask: Wears a mask that lets him assume the form of any member of the other four playable races. Getting it back after it was stolen is his first order of business.
  • The Corruptible: His status as an Eternal makes him prone to joining up with the Voidwoken, who know he's very tempted to save his people.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Fane is a true master of this trope.
  • Deader Than Dead: If not recruited, he'll go through a confusing cycle of death after undeath, then resurrection during the battle for divinity, then being dead again.
  • Dem Bones: Appears as a human skeleton in his natural form.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He was entombed for millennia for performing illegal Void research behind his king's back. Its later revealed that this extended to his entire family.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While he practices Fantastic Racism and can be a jerkass on top, he reacts with horror when he finds out the Seven Gods eat people's Source when they pass on to sustain themselves. He even states that people treat their cattle with more value than the Seven Gods do their creations.
  • Face–Heel Turn: If he is in your party, the God King will try to convince him to side with him and bring him to power. If you cannot convince him against this, he will do so.
  • Fantastic Racism: He considers the Eternals far superior to the modern races, and will not hesitate to tell you this.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Was imprisoned before the rise of the modern-day races, held in a sort of stasis.
  • Genki Guy: He gets really excited over learning about things that are generally considered common knowledge among mortals.
  • Going Native: He does grow more fond of the mortal world over time, despite how primitive it is in his eye sockets. While he never stops believing the Eternals were superior in terms of the advancement of their society, he comes to realize the value of the current civilization, particularly the nature of human emotion.
  • Hypocrite: If you didn't go back to evacuate the others while the ship was sinking, he'll call you out on your selfishness. Thing is, he wasn't too keen on helping anyone either despite being one of the few people who wasn't knocked out by Windego's magic, so he doesn't have any room to talk.
  • Improvised Lockpick: As an undead, if he invests many points in the Thievery civil skill, he can use his bony finger as a lockpick to open any chest or door. Useful for overcoming the scarcity of regular lockpicks.
  • Insufferable Genius: He knows things about magic and mysticism that the rest of the world hasn't caught up on yet, and really loves to rub his superiority into everybody's face.
  • In the Hood: Fane must wear a hood or helmet to conceal his grim visage. If he isn't completely covered in head, chest, leg, and foot gear, NPCs will either run away or attack.
    • Furthermore, this becomes a genuine liability in-game: some NPCs (especially Divine Order) will attack you on sight, making you miss out on quests they might have offered through dialog.
      • Even worse, the combat AI notes that Fane is undead if he's "unmasked" and will start using healing spells on him. Since healing spells give generous points in this game, and healing damages undead, this gives the enemy HUGE firepower against you.
    • Paper-Thin Disguise: You need gear in every armor slot, but it doesn't actually have to be concealing. Fane's shirt can be completely open and it still counts as covered.
  • Jerkass: He is kind of an ass to you, mainly due to his Fantastic Racism which makes him believe he is inherently better than all the living races currently spread across the land, simply due to him being an Eternal.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: When the ship is going down, it isn't that big of deal for him: he points out that he's undead, so he can't drown. He'll just wait until the wreck founders on the ocean floor, and start walking in one direction until he hits shore.
  • Last of His Kind: As far as he can tell, he's the only Eternal left in the world. Finding out what happened to the rest of his race is the crux of his journey. Turns out he's not quite the last; even discounting the Voidwoken, there is another undead Eternal walking on Rivellon: his daughter, Dallis the Hammer.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Daughter, but the point still stands. If you prevent Fane's Face–Heel Turn, he comes to the same conclusion as Dallis about the Eternals, namely, that while their fate is truly terrible, the lives of the current mortals aren't worth sacrificing just to bring them back. They also come to realize how horrible The Eternals were, and that there is some poetic justice to their fate.
  • Nay-Theist: He doesn't have a high opinion of the gods and can downplay their divinity to Amadia's face in dialogue. That's in large part because he personally knew them before their ascension, and saw them as a bunch of snobby aristocrats.
  • No-Sell: As an Undead, he is completely immune to the otherwise extremely deadly Deathfog. This also grants full poison immunity.
  • Offing the Offspring: In most endings, he'll have to fight his own daughter along with the party. It cuts him deep if she dies, even though he knows she probably deserved it.
  • Parental Neglect: Fane had a daughter, but the way he talks about her is totally detached. There is no warmth or love evoked when he speaks of her: all we know about her is that he had no time for her, due to his scholarly pursuits. Later on, he comes to the realization that his wife and daughter were the only individuals from his old life he felt the same kind of affection he now feels for his friends, but was too narrow-minded and logic-driven to realize it, and now it's too late.
  • Playing Possum: Play Dead, the undead racial ability, has him fake his death, which can be useful in making enemies ignore him.
  • Really 700 Years Old: As one of the last Eternals, he lived before Rivellon became what it is today.
  • Revive Kills Zombie: As an Undead, normal healing will harm him. On the flipside, poison will heal him instead.
  • Shapeshifting: Using the Mask of the Shapeshifter, he can adopt the guise of any of the four playable races.
  • Signature Move: Time Warp, which gives any character a free turn immediately after their turn ends.
  • Skewed Priorities:
    • Ship is going down? Oh, never mind - I'll just keep reading my book.
      • Skin fell off and someone is telling me to get out of the ship? I'll just keep reading my book.
    • If not recruited, he actually is glad to observe mortal races as a ghost and doesn't seem mad at all, whereas the others resent you or express grief that they were killed.
    • It becomes even more hilarious if he's not recruited - then he happily turns tail and fights against you to become Divine, but once you defeat him (and whoever you did not recruit or killed), he'll be back on Lady Vengeance as if nothing ever happened.
  • Slept Through the Apocalypse: He was imprisoned in some kind of stasis before the fall of the Eternals, and only got free recently.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: He utilizes a shocking amount of profanity for someone as well read as he is, especially in the ending in which he does not side with the Voidwoken.
  • The Undead: An undead member of an ancient race, with all the benefits and drawbacks that such would imply, such as being healed by poison, but harmed by healing magic.
  • Time Abyss: Although Fane is stated to be an ancient eternal, it's never made clear how long he's been asleep or from what era of the Series' timeline he originates from. Most of his dialog seems to imply that he originates from before Dragon Commander, but other in-game sources contradicts this and indicates his place being either some time near Dragon Commander or a short few hundred years after it.
    • Since Eternals' downfall predates the Seven Gods and their races reign (being caused by it), he's clearly much older than Dragon Commander epoch. He could be active as undead during that time, but he behaves like someone who has only just recently entered modern society.
  • Title Drop: As the Narrator points out, Fane committed the Original Sin by sharing his void research with the Seven.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It turns out his illegal research into the Void pretty much caused the main conflict of the game, damning the Eternal's civilization and turning Dallis into what she is today. His actions not only make him the biggest example of this in the entire game, but for the Divinity series as a whole!
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Eternals were primarily driven by logic and not emotion, and as such affection in the way we knew it was practically non-existent, with intercourse being for the sole purpose of keeping the population steady. As such, he can't quite articulate the feelings that he gets from becoming your friend or lover. Nor could he comprehend why he made the Mask of the Shapeshifter for his daughter, a useless device at the time that was merely a toy with no practical use. After his daughter, Dallis, calls him out for all of his mistakes, he resolves to search for traces of his wife in the post game.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: While he did, deep down, love his wife and daughter, they unfortunately came low on his list of priorities while he was still alive.

    Fane: My wife and daughter often competed with my work for my attention. Unfortunately, my work proved to be stiff competition. I wonder how long they were neglected, before...

The Lady Vengeance

    The Lady Vengeance

The Lady Vengeance

A Magister ship, made of wood that holds an elven spirit.

  • Cool Ship: She might not think so, but the Lady Vengeance is admittedly a large and powerful warship with a wonderfully-crafted dragon figurehead at the bow that even moves.
  • Fate Worse than Death: She considers her form as a ship that must obey the orders of her master to be this. When she is destroyed while landing at Arx, her soul in the Hall of Echoes expresses happiness at finally being free.
  • Sapient Ship: A ship made of livewood, which contains the spirit of an elf, and is thus alive and able to talk through its Living Figurehead.
  • Slave Brand: Has a brand in the wooden neck of the figurehead that allows anyone who sings the controlling song to, well, control her. And it can never be removed, meaning she will always be a slave.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Even though she gets destroyed at the beginning of Act IV, the Lady Vengeance will be back and fully repaired in the Playable Epilogue. All you're told is that Malady did it.

    Almira and Mihaly


A succubus who needs help escaping from the Black Ring.

  • Bad Powers, Good People: Normally, a succubus will trap people in eternal lust and become their slave with her charms. But she experienced True love... which gave her a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Charm Person: She can make people her thralls.
  • Cult Defector: She fell in love with a Magister and escaped to start a new life with him. However, she needs the player character's help to sever the soul-deep Covenant that binds her to the Black Ring's patron.
  • Heel–Face Turn: You meet her in the process of this, having already left the Black Ring, but still in need of a Swornbreaker to free her from the God King's control.
  • Hidden Character: It's very easy to never encounter her, since she's located in the very far north of the map in Reaper's Coast, in a heavily cursed area, which requires teleportation — or flight, or another similar ability that lets you cross a gap — to access.
  • Horny Devils: She's a succubus.
  • Love Redeems / The Power of Love: Ordinarily, a succubus cares little for their targets, and sure enough Mihaly was her prey... except it turns out, they developed feelings for each other, causing Almira to change her ways.
  • Magic Kiss: How she can unlock a Source slot for the player.


A former magister who has become Almira's lover.

  • Defector from Decadence: Of a sort - the Magisters' reputation goes down the drain later on but at the time, they are still well respected.
  • Heel–Face Turn: One of the few genuinely sympathetic magisters.
  • Love Redeems: Developed feelings of true love for Almira, and this caused her to undergo a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Satellite Character: Mostly talks with Almira, but he will talk to the player. The quest is more about Almira.



The leader of the Seekers.

  • Badass in Distress: He went missing after Gratinana told him about Braccus Rex's vaults, and one of your potential missions is to rescue him from the magisters.
  • Badass Mustache: A powerful warrior with a powerful mustache to boot!
  • Crisis of Faith: Has one after his parents are murdered by his best friend, or if said friend is killed before he can do any more damage.
  • Crusading Widower: The death of his parents at the hands of Magister Jonathan can potentially drive Gareth to crusade against the entire Divine Order.
  • Fighting Your Friend: Gareth did not hesitate to attack his friend Jonathan, but is conflicted about killing him.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: Is hesitant to kill Magister Jonathan should he encounter him before the player crosses the Paladin Bridge. The player can swiftly remind him that trusting a Magister is a bad idea and might cost him his parents' lives.
  • It's Personal: The reason Gareth takes killing Alexandar, and Magister Jonathan so seriously.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: A kind and selfless knight who still believes in the virtues espoused by the Divine, even while opposing his son. After his parents die, he becomes much colder and more cynical, though if your persuasion is good enough he can at least maintain his moral code and heroism.
  • Only Sane Man: Compared to Malady, who is insensitively carefree, he takes command of the Seekers very seriously and wishes to keep casualties to a minimum.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play him in the revamped arena mode.
  • Revenge: Gareth's questline revolves around whether or not you encourage him to take revenge on Alexandar and Magister Jonathan. Persuading him to give up his path of vengeance (or preventing said path of vengeance in the first place) will lead him praying for you in the battle against Lucian and Dallis giving you infinite source, he'll be alive for the epilogue, and you'll get to keep him as a warfare vendor throughout Arx. If you encourage his plans for revenge he'll you'll lose him as a vendor for Act III, he'll wonder off on his own where he'll get captured by Braccus Rex and Dallis and get turned into a silent monk, and you'll have to fight him during the final battle if you choose not to give up your source.
  • The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: On the revenge route Gareth gets caught by Braccus and Dallis, and is stripped of his source and free will.
  • The Leader: He is the leader of the seekers.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: The death of his parents at the hand of his best friend turns him into a cold and hateful person who only cares about getting revenge on all those who wronged him. You can get him to snap out of it with enough persuasion.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Jonathan was a good friend of Gareth during their Magisters' day. When Gareth left because the Magisters became evil, he created the Seekers to oppose them. His path crossed with Jonathan and the latter consider him an enemy despite their past friendship.



A young Sourcerer working with the Seekers.

  • Kid Sidekick: To the Seekers and to you after Act I.
  • Hero-Worshipper: To you, after you save him twice.
  • The Pollyanna: He doesn't seem troubled by the fact all his Seeker companions were killed during Dallis's attack, including Samadael who was always seen with him up until that point.
  • A Quest Giver Is You: You can send him on errands to gather rare materials for you. He returns to the Lady Vengeance once the players levels up.
  • Sole Survivor: Of the Seekers that went to Fort Joy, only he and Gareth come back alive.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: He's just a child, but he's a member of the Seekers and tries to help save the Godwoken. As he himself says, children can't afford to be innocent anymore in the world they live.



A traveling wizard and demon hunter. See Divinity: Original Sin for his tropes in that game.

  • All-Powerful Bystander: He appear to be an eccentric hermit living on his own in the forest, but he's really an experienced demon hunter with over a millennium of experience. To illustrate this, he's level 20 when you first find him in Driftwood, making him hands down the singlemost powerful individual in the whole region. Kiting the fire witch Alice Alisceon to Jahan makes killing her that much easier.
  • Call-Back: References the previous Divinity: Original Sin game, but, in order to make the customisation still canon, is incredibly vague about it all.
  • Hollywood Exorcism: He will attempt to perform one on Lohse if one manages to learn the truth.
  • I Know Your True Name: How he is able to attempt an exorcism on Lohse.
  • Interface Spoiler: Before he is pointed out to the player specifically, a red flag may appear labeled "The last sighting of Jahan", which gives away that he is important.
  • Previous Player-Character Cameo: Of a sort. Jahan wasn't one of the player characters, but was still a playable character.
  • Promoted to Playable: Zigzagged. He can't join your party like he did in the first game, but The Definitive Edition allows you to play him in the revamped arena mode.
  • The Worf Effect: For all his power and experience in hunting demons, Jahan stands no chance against the Adramahlihk. By the time you face the demon yourself, Jahan has already been defeated and imprisoned.

    Lora and Quercus

Sir Lora, the Squirrel Knight

A "mini-companion" added upon the release of the Definitive Edition. A talking squirrel upon an undead cat mount, Lora is a former member of the Knights of Drey, an apocalyptic order of woodland creatures that worship the Great Acorn.

  • Character Select Forcing: If you want any of his plot at all, better make sure the main character has pet pal if you haven't installed the Larian Mod that enables animal interaction without pet pal.
  • Defector from Decadence: He left the Knights of Drey due to the fact that they killed his pet cat Quercus - as their beliefs stated that their cat, on basis of being a cat, was not fit for the new world.
  • Developers' Foresight: If it's a little while before you get Pet Pal, he will comment on how you can finally understand him.
  • Hero of Another Story: He's basically this - he could easily be the star of his own novella (Especially given that he will explain his backstory) .
  • Kid-Appeal Character: As close as you can get in an "M" rated video game.
  • Optional Party Member: Well, he's not exactly a party member per se... but you can actually keep him from following you.
  • Voice for the Voiceless: He's this to his trusty steed, Quercus.



A powerful Sourcerer who was captured and held prisoner on the Lady Vengeance by Dallis.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Lohse calls her 'Mals.'
  • Aloof Ally: She has some kind of hidden agenda that she's hoping you will help her fulfill, but never divulges what that agenda is exactly. All that can be gleaned is that she wants to make a powerful new god who will owe her a few favors.
  • Ambiguously Evil: She's the Big Good who saves your party more than once and has a good rapport with Lohse. However, Siva and Gareth both cast doubt on how good Malady really is. Siva's spirit will warn you that she once made a deal with Malady, and that if Malady tries to convince you to fulfill it instead since Siva is dead then you should refuse. And in the ending, she tells you she does plan to collect on a favor some time in the future. The epilogue if you become Divine at least says that she is putting this off, partially because coming to collect it might be the last thing she ever does, whatever that means.
  • Big Good: She's ostensibly this, being the party strongest and most helpful ally, and saving their bacon more than once.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She kinds of acts like a Cool Big Sis for Lohse, seeing as they're both involved with demons.
  • Cast from Hit Points: She's capable of using very powerful warp spells to travel into and out of the Hall of Echoes, but doing so brings her closer to death. If you're not thorough in training your Source powers in Act II, she will die at the beginning of Act IV.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She barely says a thing without some amount of sarcasm. Even Dallis is not safe from her snark.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She can seem callous and perhaps even amoral a lot of the time, but even Malady is taken aback by the sheer number of souls Adramahlihk is in possession of, and by extension, how many people she'll have to kill to weaken him sufficiently.
  • Exposition Fairy: Of a sort.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's never short on the sarcastic remarks, and she acts like she doesn't really care about you personally, but every now and then, Malady does show an unambiguously altruistic side.
  • Lady of Black Magic: A dignified, powerful female Sourcerer.
  • Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid: Her mother was "a bitter elf" and her father was a demon. Her dialogue suggests that she identifies more closely with the demon side.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play her in the revamped arena mode.
  • Riddle for the Ages: What exactly was the deal that she had with Siva? Siva tells you to deny her if she tries to have you carry out the deal in Siva's place, and no matter what you say, during the ending she says she plans to collect on a favor from you someday for all the help she's given you, but never makes it clear what the favor is.
  • Smug Super: Super smug, but she's always rooting for you and she mostly lives up to her ego.
  • Solid Gold Poop: She vomits up Source fluid.
  • Two-Faced: Implied. Almost half her face is covered by a mask, though what she really looks like under it is never revealed. While she's not a villain per se, it does hint at Malady's possibly sinister nature.



A powerful necromancer and inventor who Dallis captured to do her bidding on the Lady Vengeance.

  • Affably Evil: An ex-member of the Black Ring, and he always speaks in a polite manner even when insulting your intelligence.
  • Aloof Ally: He's willing to travel with you and lend you some assistance every now and then, but it's clear he's got his own agenda.
  • Artifact of Doom: The legendary demon blade Anathema, which he is searching for so he can kill Braccus before does even more damage to the world.
  • The Atoner: He spends the majority of Act II and III, if you didn't kill him and decided to help with his quest, fixing Anathema to make up for his time as a Black Ring Necromancer, and reviving Braccus Rex.
  • Bad Liar: Despite how much he denies it, its very obvious that he's hiding a lot from the player characters.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even he regrets bringing Braccus Rex back from the dead.
  • Insufferable Genius: He's a tremendously learned scholar and necromancer, and he won't let yo forget it with all his passive-aggressive jabs at your intelligence.
  • Necromancer: An extremely talented one. He even managed to bring back Braccus Rex.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play him in the revamped arena mode.
  • Red Herring Mole: Despite some of your party members' doubts, he really doesn't aim to betray you at all. Killing him yields practically no benefits, depriving you of a salesman and a quest giver.


    Seven Gods

The Seven Gods

The gods of Rivellon. See Divine Divinity for more details.

  • Asshole Victim: They betrayed their own people, cast them into the Void, and used their newfound powers to turn the world into their personal buffet, creating and raising mortals up to be devoured for millennia. So when their power is drained by the Voidwoken and they are finally put down, none of the protagonists are at all sympathetic to them.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The gods are as petty and cruel as the mortals they created.
  • Broken Pedestal: If the protagonists had any respect for the gods when the game began, it's completely gone by the end of Act III thanks to learning that the gods betrayed their kind for power and feasted on their worshippers' souls for Source.
  • The Chooser of The One: Each chose their own Godwoken to ascend to Divinity, based on who they thought was best suited for the job. The only problem is that only one person can become the new divine...
  • Climax Boss: They are the last things you have to kill in Act III, after many dark truths have been revealed to you, and their death at your hands means the world is going to be irreversibly changed.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Several of The Seven have shades of this, but Xantezza is the biggest practitioner.

    Xantezza: Moon.
    Avatar: *What? Ask why she'd just give you the information.*
    Xantezza: Not much mirth to be had these days. The Gods turning to the creations they've abused to save them? What could be more hilarious than that.

  • Face–Heel Turn: Really, it'd be disingenuous to call them Faces to begin with, but the Gods who champion your party members turn against you at the climax of Act III and try to murder you for failing them.
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: Lucian destroying the elven homelands with Deathfog left Tir-Cendelius with few elves worshiping him, which left him weak enough that voidwoken could start pouring through the source veil without much resistance.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Every problem in the game is rooted from what the Seven did millennia ago and what they continue to do to the present. That is, casting the Eternals into the Void, creating the Voidwoken, and devouring their adherents' souls, prompting the Divine to rebel against them.
  • Have You Seen My God?: The disappearance of the Seven Gods has been a major theme in the series. No one know what happened to them. Until now, when you play and finish the game.
  • Hufflepuff House: Vrogir and Xantezza, the gods of Orcs and Imps respectively, are supposed to be on equal standing with the other five, but have a minor presence in the story and lack a champion to represent them in the player roster.
  • Jerkass Gods: Early on, the gods establish themselves as petty, cruel, and selfish as they each urge their respective champion to eventually betray the others. Then you find out how monstrous they truly are when it's revealed that the people of Rivellon are nothing more than packets of Source power for the gods to feed on.
  • Kill the God: You do this after the Wellspring is destroyed. Of course, the Gods have long-since shown their true colors at this point, so it's hard to shed any tears.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Each god serves as the patron creator and guide to each of the seven races (well, six races and the wizards). Turns out all of them are of the Eternal race, who betrayed their own kind in order to elevate themselves to godhood.
  • Token Good Teammate: Ultimately averted with Amadia. She seems to be the most sympathetic of the bunch, given her backstory in the Reaper's Coast swamps, but she's still a source hungry asshole and is highly manipulative of Fane, outright lying to him about the fate of the Eternals.
  • Wild Card: Xantezza. When you reach the imp shrine, Xantezza is the odd women out as she doesn't use illusions, tricks, or any kind of metaphor to portray herself. She comes to you just as herself, and not some divine being. She has no love for her own group, even believes they are getting what they have coming to them, and encourages players to renounce their god.

    Xantezza: Oh make no mistake. I'm not asking you to support me at the Wellspring - just not to be beholden to her/him. To think for yourself. To make choices that you think are right - not what some half-dead God demands.

  • Wolfpack Boss: Four of them form one as the boss of Act III.


Meistr Siva

The founder of the Seekers, she's a Master of the Source and old friend of Malady.

  • Almost Dead Guy: After you rescue her from being executed, she still barely clinging to life from her Cold-Blooded Torture, with nasty wounds reopening faster then she can mend then.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: After being accused of treason and being behind Alexandar's murder, she's captured and tortured by the Templar Order. They drain her of all her source, leaving her just short of a Silent Monk, permanently severing her source abilities.
  • Determinator: Despite barely clinging to life, she shrugs off any concern for herself and is single minded in helping Godwoken ascend to Divinity.
  • Good Is Not Nice: She can be very rude and condescending to the Godwoken, but she does have the party and Rivellon's best interests at heart.
  • Grumpy Old Man: Grumpy old lady, really. After you save her from the magisters, she walks back to her house complaining all the way, and when you speak to her there, she doesn't even offer a "thank you" as she casually treats her injuries and directs you to open her basement up, so you can learn more about being Godwoken, in the most demeaning way possible. It's implied the Cold-Blooded Torture she suffered greatly affected her mood.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: She's already in bad shape by the time you get to her, about to be hanged by Magisters, and gets buried for real after the third Source ritual to the Hall of Echoes.
  • Old Master: She was an Old Source Master that was supposed to mentor the player about Source, but by the time the player finds her she had her source powers severed, and she instead guides him into finding new Source Masters.
  • Sherlock Scan: How she confirms you are a Godwoken for Fort Joy when she first sees you.
  • Stern Teacher: She's very stern when teaching the Godwoken the ritual to ascend, and won't react kindly to you not taking the situation seriously.
  • Vain Sorceress: Downplayed, but when she finds her house ransacked by the magister she's annoyed at the fact they ruined her wardrobe.


Sadha / The Red Princess

The Red Princess, who seeks the Red Prince to sire Great Red Dragons with.

  • Adam and Eve Plot: She and the Red Prince are destined to sire the first red dragons Rivellon will have seen in centuries.
  • Deal with the Devil: She Swore herself to the God-King in desperation to keep herself safe from those who wanted to prevent the destined return of the dragons. This ironically made the Shadow Prince even more determined to see her dead, since he knows God-King + Dragons = Trouble. Sadha realizes she made a terrible mistake, but she cannot free herself without a Swornbreaker. If you provide her with one she will be immensely grateful.
  • Love Before First Sight: With The Red Prince. They apparently dreamed about each other and knew they were meant for each other even before they met. Turns out their love is part of a prophecy that can lead to the rebirth of the dragons, making it fully justified.
  • Morality Pet: Serves as one for the Red Prince. For all his ambition and pompousness, he outright admits that he would give up everything for her, even his throne and the chance for divinity. If they wed, he becomes The Good King of the Ancient Empire and does not use his dragon children as weapons of conquest.
  • Token Good Teammate: Is by far the most sympathetic of the God King's sworn alongside Almira, as she did it on impulse on a mistaken whim. She desperately wants out of the deal, but needs a Swornbreaker.

    Voidwoken (Spoiler Heavy)

The Voidwoken and the God King, formerly known as the Eternals

The God King

"You shall die... All of you"

A primordial evil attracted to Source magic like moths to a flame. They are the Eternals, Fane's lost race that he is searching for throughout the game. They were banished to the Void by the Seven Gods in a bid for power, and now they want to escape the Void and return to Rivellon, destroying and/or enslaving the current populace in the process. They are led by their former king, known as the God King.

  • Badass Boast: Almost every other thing they say. For example: "I am the slayer of dragons. I eat the Source inside."
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Braccus Rex.
  • Body Horror: Presumably, since Fane, Dallis, and the Seven are far more humanoid, while all the Voidwoken fought throughout the game are varying degrees of monstrosities ranging from giant maggots to full fledged sea monsters.
  • Break Them by Talking: Will attempt to invoke this whenever they meet the player characters.
  • Cessation of Existence: Their ultimate goal. They seek the end of YOUR existence and the return of theirs.
  • The Corruption: When Source is used, random materials, objects, and insects become Voidwoken. If you talk to the ancient turtles behind the secret alcove in Fort Joy, they will tell you that they can feel the Void corrupting them. Their last words before being taken over by the Void is a sad farewell.
  • Deal with the Devil: Many allow themselves to become sworn to The God King with the promise of eternal life, power, and riches, but it comes at a price. Those that are Sworn must obey The God King's every command, and if you have failed him too many time an eternity of torment awaits you.
  • Death Is Cheap: Those that are sworn to The God King can raise from the dead as much as the God King wants. You can become sworn to the God King and reap the same benefits...but it comes at a price.
  • The Dreaded: These things can decimate entire towns with ease. They are such a large threat that the Seven Gods are forced to intervene...and the Gods lose, and Alexandar is forced into an Enemy Mine with the player characters just to get rid of a Voidwoken Drillworm.
  • Evil Is Deathly Cold: Most voidwoken specialize in ice magic, and when the God King speaks to your character telepathically it chills their insides.
  • Evil Is Visceral: The Voidwoken lair in Reaper's Cost.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: If the player characters are evil the Voidwoken will still attack them, and The Divine Order is trying to stop them. Then again, they are trying to destroy all of existence, specifically the existence of the current mortals, since the Voidwoken need their Source to return to Rivellon.
  • Expy: The God King is an Expy of Ultima 7's Guardian. Both are near omnipotent interdimensional beings, that communicate telepathically, can only act within the world indirectly through their minions, need the assistance of others in order to come to the games' world to conquer it, and can kill their underlings with a mere thought.
  • God of Evil: The Void's power is far superior to that of The Seven Gods, and the Void is what tainted Source forever. The Ruler of the Void is The God King, who used to be the King of Fane's race, The Eternals.
  • Good Is Dumb: If no one uses the powers of Divinity the God King will call everyone out for being idiots and will promptly take the power for himself, which promptly leads to the worst ending possible, where the Eternals return and all sentient life in Rivellon is enslaved by them. The entire time the God King is giving his "Reason You Suck" Speech he is trying his hardest to stop himself from laughing hysterically.

    The God King: Not one, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! There is not one who will choose Divinity. What fools! They have power within their grasps but they fail to take it. These races truly are inferior. Victory is mine! My people! The world is ours once more. The reign of thieves is at an end. These so-called "races" will be our slaves. And our foodstock. For We are the Truth, We are the Real, WE. ARE. ETERNAL!

  • The Goomba: Voidlings are the most basic enemy you fight in the game.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Regardless of what side you fight for, these guys will be against you, and they are a universal level threat. Though it is possible to join The God King's side, and Fane can willingly side with them to bring them back.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: The voidwoken and The God King were Eternals that were betrayed by eight of their own kind (The Seven and Chaos), had their source stolen, which was then used to make the 7 races and demons, and then thrown into the void to be tortured for all eternity. In order to return to the world The Eternals were forced to use the void's power to reclaim their lives, which twisted them into the horrific voidwoken abominations you see throughout the game. Most of them aren't trying to kill everyone out of malice, for the most part, but because they need to have their source back. Once they are free, and have their source back they fully intend to fight back the void, and reseal the source veil themselves. They're also so angry with the Seven that they intend to enslave and eat their creations in retribution.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: If the Kraken's tentacles get destroyed, or its health drops below 80% during the Arx Harbor fight it'll run away.
  • Scary Scarecrows: If you try talking to the Scarecrows in Reaper's Coast The God King will talk through them and try convincing you to give up on your quest.
  • Scary Skeleton: The God King is a four-armed, four-winged, legless skeleton who's bent on wiping out the mortal races of Rivellon.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: They all have The God King's Voice.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech : When they speak they are either doing this or a Bad Ass Boast.
  • Tragic Monster: The Voidwoken are what became of the Eternals after they were cast into the Void by the Seven, and their only goal is to escape it and return to Rivellon. Unfortunately, getting out of the Void means devouring the Source of the current residents of Rivellon, meaning there is no way for the races to coexist.
  • The Unfought: The God King himself is never fought at all due to being trapped in the void, but he does have enough power to assume direct control of the Scarecrows of Reaper's Coast, and Toy Seller Sanders' source puppets on the second floor of his workshop.
  • Wham Line: "We were here first."
  • We Can Rule Together: Will attempt to invoke this multiple times if you are playing Fane, or if he is in your party.
  • Your Soul is Mine!: They are capable of casting Source Vampirisim, stealing your precious Source Points.
  • Zerg Rush: The Voidlings tend to rely on this strategy, as they're very weak individually.

Spoiler Character

Lucian the Divine

The Divine, thought to be dead for most of the game. See Divine Divinity for more details.



Bishop Alexandar the Innocent

"I do not deal in hope. If you are to survive in this world, you must only be certain. Hope will kill you. Even if you don't know it yet."

The only living son of the late Divine Lucian. He believes that the best way to protect the world from Voidwoken is to protect the world from Sourcerers.

  • Affably Evil: He truly believes he's doing the right thing by rounding up all the Source users, and putting them in Fort Joy. When the player characters confront him at the end of Act I he tells them to just go back to Fort Joy, and that he would rather not have to fight them.
  • Bad Ass Boast

    Sourceress: Demon! Wretch! You can't control the Source! It fills every living thing; nothing will remain if you drain it from the world!
    Alexandar: I will remain...

  • Bad Powers, Good People: He is a Source user just like the player characters, and he's trying his best to save the world from the Voidwoken. Played with in that while he has good intentions, his methods are brutal, extreme, and causing the death and suffering of many innocents.
  • Bald of Evil: Is bald under his hood in promotional material. In the final game he has short light brown hair.
  • Big Bad: The leader of the Divine Order.
  • The Chosen One: He claims to be this. He is, being Godwoken, just like the player characters.
  • The Chosen Many: He's a Godwoken, but so are the player characters.
  • Decoy Antagonist: Pre-release material suggested he was the Big Bad, but he is easily defeated at the end of Act I, and takes a back seat to Dallis and the Voidwoken.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Fought at the end of Act I, and becomes an optional boss at multiple points in the game, but will finally be fought for real at the end of the Nameless Isle in Act III...or not depending on your choices, and your persuasion ability.
  • Enemy Mine: At the end of Act I he is forced to fight side by side with the player characters against a Voidwoken Drillworm. He prioritizes killing the worm, but he does blame the player character for the worm being there in the first place. Later on in Act III he can be convinced to fight by your side during the battle for divinity, against the party members you failed to save on the Lady Vengeance and the sentinels.
  • Evil Sorcerer: Stated by the developers to be even more powerful than Braccus.
  • Evil Versus Evil: He is the main villain for the first Act of the game, and is trying to stop the Voidwoken from destroying the world, and if the player characters are evil he will still try to murder them for being Source users.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Inflicts this on every source user he comes across by purging them, destroying their mind, and leaving them a docile shell.
  • Harmless Freezing: Throws a flask on a Sourceress, and flash freezes the liquid around her body. She can still speak.
  • Healing Factor: You can end the fight at the end of Act I with him a pile of ash, and you'll find out he survived with only minor injuries, due to being a Godwoken just like the player characters. Likewise, you can kill him again while he's unconscious on The Lady Vengeance, and he'll once again be resurrected come Act III.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After being betrayed by Dallis he sets out to become Divine on his own. If your persuasion is high enough you can get him to give up being Divine, and have him temporarily join you party in Act III. Sadly, this results in him being offed by Dallis.
  • Karmic Death: You can invoke this on him if you so choose. Kill him and then use Source Vampirism or a Purging Wand to destroy his spirit, just like he had done to countless others. Convince him to stand down and fight by your side, and Dallis does this to him anyway, gibbing him as if he were a victim of Source Vampirism, though his spirit strangely remains.
  • Light Is Not Good: Generally starts fights by casting blinding radiance.
  • Power Limiter: Wears a Source collar to prevent himself from casting Source.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play him in the revamped arena mode. He also joins your party if your persuasion skill is high enough on the Nameless Isle.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Yes, this guy is the son of Lucian - but he was not alluded to in any other of the divinity games besides this. This could be easily Justified since he canonically dies before Beyond Divinity .
  • Unfit for Greatness: If your persuasion is high enough, he will admit that he doesn't truly believe he's fit to be Divine and was simply trying to live up to his father's legacy. He thus gives up Divinity and temporarily joins you.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Views his own actions as the best solution to the Voidwoken problem.
  • Villain Has a Point: Casting Source magic calls the Voidwoken, the player characters are putting themselves and everyone around them in danger by casting it. He also blames the player characters for the Voidwoken Drillworm showing up at the end of Act I... he isn't wrong.
  • Villain's Dying Grace: If you speak to his ghost after killing him on the Nameless Isle, rather than show anger at you, he instead asks what you intend to do with your power should you ascend. If you can convince you are worthy to take the mantle of Divine, then Alexandar will tell you what you need to do to enter the temple.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Subverted. Some people love him for trying to solve the voidwoken problem, some believe him to be a tyrant, and others blindly follow him because he is the son of the deceased Divine, Lucian, but no one knows what really goes on in Fort Joy.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Wants to stop the void and the voidwoken, which is a commendable goal. His methods, however, are extreme enough that they have to be kept secret.
  • The Worf Effect: If he was coerced to fight alongside you at the end of Act III, Dallis kills him in cold blood when the Godwoken get too close to the Wellspring.
  • Your Soul is Mine!: What he does to any Source user he personally catches.


Dallis the Hammer / Dallis the Eternal

"Evil? Yes - I suppose he is. I imagine you think the same of me. Go on, call me what you like. I'm not afraid to be the villain to your supposed 'hero'. I'm not nice. I'm just right."

Bishop Alexandar's right-hand woman. She is later revealed to be Fane's daughter.

  • And I Must Scream: Entombed for thousands of years because of Fane's crime.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Her cat refers to her as Mumsy. She calls her cat Booply Bear.
  • Baddie Flattery: Commends the player characters for actually managing to force her to retreat if they do so in the prologue to Act II. She also praises them for making it through the final dungeon.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Has Atusa cut her own tongue off.
  • Dark Action Girl: The woman is absolutely terrifying in combat and will annihilate her foes with ease.
  • Decoy Antagonist: Neither she nor Alexandar are the true Big Bad of the game.
  • Dem Bones: Is a skeletal Eternal, just like Fane. She wears a shapeshifting mask to cover this up.
  • The Dragon: To Alexandar. It is revealed at the end of the game she is also The Dragon to Lucian, The Divine.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: She is the one responsible for recovering most of Braccus' ancient technology, and often comes off as the most terrifying member of the Divine Order. The Seekers consider her the real threat rather than Alexandar.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Claims leadership of The Divine Order after Act I. When Alexandar attempts to return to the Divine Order she attempts to murder him.
  • The Dreaded: If Alexandar sends her after you... pray.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her first notable act is to first force Magister Atusa into cutting off her tongue. Then Dallis has her purging her source.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Booply Bear, her mother, her father Fane (even though she very clearly resents him for her imprisonment), and Braccus to some extent (though not enough to not kill him when she doesn't need him anymore, since he's evil incarnate).
  • Evil Genius: Is insanely intelligent, and has been working on making improvements on Braccus' experiments.
  • Evil Sorcerer: Is a Source user, and kills Atusa using Source Vampirism.
  • Fate Worse than Death: You really, REALLY don't want to be caught by her.
  • Foreshadowing: An example that requires rather unorthodox play to see. If you take a barrel of Deathfog with you off the boat at the start of the game, then break it next to her when she and Alexandar are seen when you reach Fort Joy, Alexandar and the mutated bodyguards will be affected by it, but Dallis will not. This is due to the fact that she is actually undead.
  • The Heavy: Has the most screentime of all the antagonists.
  • Hero Killer:Any origin characters not in your party when Dallis and Vredeman attack the Lady Vengence die in the attack.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: She is technically Alexandar's subordinate, but she rapidly demonstrates that she is a far more dangerous individual who in many ways might be the actual source of power for the Magisters. Not only is she a formidable warrior, but she is also the one responsible for recovering Braccus' research and improving on his designs. Even her stats are better than Alexandar's.
  • Karma Houdini: If you do what she and Lucian want, then she survives and goes on to purge all Sourcerers in the world, paying for none of crimes.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: If Dallis or Vredeman come close to death during any of the fights you can have with her before the final boss, she'll realize she's fighting a losing battle and will run away.
  • Luke, You Are My Father: She is Fane's daughter.
  • The Magnificent: She's called "The Hammer."
  • "Not So Different" Remark: If you read her diary you'll find she had this revelation after spending some time with Braccus. This eventually leads to her getting comfortable enough around him to leave the leashing wand she was using to control him within his reach.
  • Oh, Crap!: Her reaction to realizing that the leashing wand doesn't actually work on Braccus.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play her in the revamped arena mode.
  • The Battle Didn't Count: Like Lucian, she doesn't die if you beat her during the final boss, probably so the player isn't locked out of seeing the ending you get if you side with her and Lucian. She and Lucian succumb to their wounds if you don't take her offer.
  • The Man Behind the Man: She is one to Alexandar, and both Braccus and Lucian are ones for her.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: According to Magister Ramley, Dallis wasn't always the sadistic monster she is today. Something she discovered changed her. The real Dallis was killed and replaced by Fane's daughter, who also Used to Be a Sweet Kid, until she was entombed for Fane's crime of bringing his research to The Seven.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: No atrocity is beneath Dallis if it means defeating the Voidwoken once and for all.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting : Transforms into a dragon and flies away if you get a her health down low enough.
    • A smaller but much more spoilery instance would be the fact she is undead but using magic to look like a living human.
  • Worthy Opponent: Considers the player characters this, if they mange to beat her at the beginning of Act II's prologue, and after they complete the final dungeon.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: She planned to do this to Tarquin and Braccus after the Source Veil was sealed, but the player characters took The Lady Vengence along with Tarquin, and Braccus was only pretending to be her slave for the majority of the game.
  • Your Soul is Mine!: Pulls this on Atusa.

    Cloaked Figure

Master Vredeman / Braccus Rex

The hooded man who appears at Dallis' side throughout the game. Magisters and Paladins alike refer to Vredeman as Dallis' master, but on screen he appears to be her lackey. Or at least, so he seems. In reality, he is Braccus Rex, a powerful Sourcerer known as the Source King from thousands of years ago. See Divinity: Original Sin for that identity's tropes.

  • Berserk Button: He really hates it when someone interrupts his speech.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With The God King, as it turns out he is actually helping him out.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He's just about as snarky towards Dallis, and your characters as Malady.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Spends the majority of Divinity: Original Sin 2 pretending to be under Dallis' control, until the end where he becomes the Final Boss.
  • Evil Is Hammy: He likes to overplay his lines of dialogue in a dramatic fashion.
  • Evil Laugh: Pretty much every line he has, has an evil laugh in there somewhere.
  • Enigmatic Minion
  • Mad Scientist: You know those weaponized monks you see when He and Dallis attack the Lady Vengeance...he made them. He also made the new source collar models you wear at the beginning of the game, and he's also the creator of the Lady Vengeance and Lord Dread.
  • In the Hood: He wears a cloak to hide his facial features. A jealous magister looks under his hood and instantly recognizes him as The Mad Source King, Braccus Rex, but before he can warn anyone about Vredeman's true identity he is killed.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play him in the revamped arena mode.
  • Slasher Smile: A magister attempts to look under Vredeman's hood. This is the last thing he sees before he dies.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist
  • True Final Boss: Despite that the Final Boss is a Triple Boss, Braccus Rex is the one you must defeat.
  • Walking Spoiler
  • Your Soul is Mine!: If Malady dies during the assault on the Lady Vengeance, he absorbs her Soul, and uses the extra energy he just gained to instantly kill everyone.

    Magister Reimond

White Magister Reimond

The leader of the White Magisters, Dallis' second in command, and first seen doing operations in Reaper's Coast.

  • Cowardly Boss: Retreats when the Godwoken spot him in the Blackpits.
  • Establishing Character Moment: When you first meet him, he has no qualm hanging sourcerers left and right, and then starts ranting about dwarves.
  • Fantastic Racism: Holds dwarves in low regard, and doesn't seem to have better opinions about elves and lizards.
  • Knight Templar: Never admits to fault about his atrocities, claiming that he's doing the right thing like all of the villainous magisters do.
  • Sequence Breaking: It's possible to kill him in the Blackpits, as he normally tries to bolt out of there in the second turn of combat. You're meant to kill him proper in Arx in the Magister's hideout.
  • Smug Snake: Very smug, and very slimy.

Other Antagonists



An elderly female Sourcerer who serves as the principle narrator of the story.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: Very much wants to be the God King's chosen, but her embarassing failures force the God King to pick Linder Kemm as his new servant.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She poses as a kindly storyteller in the introductory cutscene before unleashing a swarm of Voidwoken upon her eager audience.
  • Decoy Antagonist: She's built up as a major villain in the game. Yet despite narrating the endings and the cutscenes, she has very little presence in the plot.
  • Back from the Dead: If you kill her in Fort Joy, she'll show up again on the Nameless Isle having been brought back as an undead by the God King. If you kill her a second time there, she'll show up yet again in Arx, though by this point she's lost the God King's favor and won't be resurrected again.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Her Heel–Face Turn is driven by her bitterness at the God King for turning his back on her after her repeated failures. She'll help the people responsible for killing her (i.e. you) just to spite him.
  • The Dragon: She was the God King's chosen champion up until her failures to kill the player characters.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: Should you use a Swornbreaker on her or suck out her Source in Arx, she won't be summoned by Braccus Rex in the final battle.
  • Heel–Face Turn: after failing to kill you multiple times, The God King gets fed up with her failure, starts ignoring her, and he gets a new champion. This makes Wendigo so furious that she tells you all about the God King's plan, tells you who the God King's agents are and how to find evidence against them, and gives you the charm voidwoken spell if spare her. If you give her a sworn breaker, and choose to become the new Divine she fights in your army, or if you choose to give source to everyone she spends the rest of her days caring for the sick and elderly.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: She appears to be intended to be this.
  • Plot-Irrelevant Villain: Even though she's a minion for the Big Bad, she ultimately contributes nothing to the plot. She fails her task at the beginning of the game, continues failing beyond that, and is regarded as an annoyance at most by the protagonists.
  • Recurring Boss: Can be fought three times (arguably four, if you believe that the Windego in the final boss fight is the real her) in the flesh (well, bones) and an obvious fake appears in the dreamer realm for you to fight.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: Pretty standard fare for an undead. Her appearance in Arx will most likely be her final death.
  • Villain Decay: The intro and prologue would have you believe she's a powerful Sourcerer who will be a constant thorn in your side throughout the campaign. She's much less impressive in all her subsequent appearances after that, with her growing frustration at her inability to kill you or please her master making her come across as more pathetic than anything.


Roost Anlon

Ifan's contact with the Lone Wolves, and the man who knows where Sebille's master is.

  • Asshole Victim: Really earns his death. If you have Sebille talk to him, he will tell her that he's going to send her back to her master to let him control her again. Also he'll try to make Ifan hand over all the Godwoken in the party so he can kill them and get paid. Both in the most smug and irritating manner possible. And if that wasn't enough, there are ghosts of children he apparently killed in the room where you fight him. It's like he's trying to be as unsympathetic as possible.
  • Flunky Boss: Has two wolves and two bodyguards protecting him when you fight him.
  • The Handler: Seems to be how he functions in the Lone Wolves. Handing out contracts and ensuring that they get done.
  • Sadistic Choice: A downplayed example, in that killing him is always a good thing. The issue comes with who talks to him, depending on who you recruited. Sebille needs to beat the information out of him regarding the whereabouts of The Shadow Prince, while Ifan is to hand over any Godwoken as per his mercenary contract (then Roost betrays him anyway). Doing the former is more important than the latter though.
  • Starter Villain: Turns out to be the first of the God King's servants, as demonstrated by the collection of black mirrors in the Sallow Man's room. When Braccus Rex shows his true colors, Roost is the only one absent from the God King's gang being summoned for this final fight.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He has one after you kill him, and he goes even more nuts if you absorb his soul.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Would and did. After you defeat him, you can use spirit vision to see the ghosts of five children he apparently murdered. All of them say some variant of "you killed the bad man, he can't hurt me anymore! Now I can go to the other place," before disappearing. While it isn't described how exactly he killed them, the fact that their spirits linger suggests that he didn't just kill them outright, but drew it out to some extent. As if you needed another reason to hate him.

    The Sallow Man

The Sallow Man

An agent of the Black Ring.

  • The Adjectival Man
  • all lowercase letters: Inverted - his dialogue is shown only in uppercase letters, with spaces between every letter.
  • Back for the Finale: Is summoned by Braccus Rex at the final battle, alongside the God King's other minions.
  • Horrifying the Horror: An intimidating servant of the God King, and yet even he is intimidated by Adramalikh, through Lohse. It's flat-out impossible to work for the Black Ring on the Nameless Isle with her in tow because of this.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Appears as an incredibly thin, unnaturally tall elf with a shriveled-up face, sickly greyish-brown skin, and overly long fingers.
  • Sequence Breaking: Lava instantly kills him, and his resurrection. Anyone with Terrain Transfusion can easily take advantage of this.
  • Was Once a Man: Was once an elf. Now he's just a creature laced with hate, cruelty and pain.

    The Shadow Prince

The Shadow Prince

Sebille's former Master who controlled her for most of her life. Also has some concerns about Sadha and the Red Prince.

  • Arc Villain: For Sebille and the Red Prince's quests, as well as the Mother Tree's.
  • Arch-Enemy: For Sebille, of whom she is enslaved to, and has made it her mission to liberate herself from. Downplayed for the Red Prince, who just sees him as more of a nuisance than anything, despite the fact the Shadow Prince is the one responsible for his exile and sends assassin teams to kill him and the party multiple times.
  • Dark Is Evil: He has a shadow motif and black skin/scales, and he's definitely a cruel bastard.
  • Deader Than Dead: An option after killing him, as Sebille (as a PC or party member) then has unique options for exploding his corpse, eating his heart, and devouring his soul for good measure (technically you can do this to a lot of NPCs, but this is one of the few times it's a tagged character dialogue).
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He remarks that Sebille is foolish for coming after him, because he need only sing her scar song to enthrall her again. He says this even if she has three other adventurers with her, when all it takes to negate said song is to have someone else sing it at the same time as him. Apparently, he simply never counted on her trusting someone enough to give them the song, or at least never thought that the person who knew it wouldn't immediately then use it to control her instead of helping her. When the player character counteracts his singing with their own, he has an immediate unbelieving reaction just before he gets a needle shoved through his throat.
  • Evil Versus Evil: You find him surrounded by fresh Black Order corpses.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's actually fairly polite to the player, as well as Sebille and the Red Prince if they're not the PC, albeit with an obvious undertone of condescension and superiority.
  • Fantastic Racism: Really doesn't like Elves, if his former ownership of Sebille wasn't proof enough. He doesn't hesitate to ask any custom elf character to kill the mother tree because reasons to their faces. Said character can utterly refuse and fight him on the spot for such brazen statements.
  • Flunky Boss: Like most bosses, has a number of flunkies to help him in the fight.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: If fought on the Nameless Isle with Sebille in the party, he will start before his flunkies join because Sebille had plunged a knife into his throat.
  • I Am the Noun: "I am The House of Shadows." The Red Prince actually speculates whether the statement was metaphorical or if the Shadow Prince is literally the only real member of the House of Shadows.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He seldom ever acts on his own, preferring instead to set things in motion from the background with agents, slaves, and intermediaries. Sebille had to kill her way through dozens of his associates to actually find him.
  • Mind-Control Music: For all intents and purposes, this is how he controlled Sebille, via controlling her thoughts through song and her slave scar.
  • One-Man Army: Gives the impression when you first see him, standing serenely among a crowd of Black Ring assassins, who he claims he killed. Subverted in that he has his own assassins waiting just out of out of sight, who implicitly contributed to the wholesale slaughter.
  • The Spymaster: The role that he and the House of Shadow serves for the Ancient Empire. Since the house is shrouded under so much secrecy, the Red Prince himself can only speculate if the Shadow Prince is all he claims to be or if he's even a prince at all.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • Should the Red Prince accept his destiny with Sadha and hatch their first egg while the Shadow Prince still lives, the Shadow Prince loses his cool completely when he launches a surprise attack against the party. And if the Red Prince summons the dragonling during the fight, the Shadow Prince will go completely ballistic.

    Shadow Prince: A dragon? No, I will not allow it. THAT THING DIES WITH YOU!

    • If slain on the Nameless Isle, he'll start ranting about how the Elven Scion must fall.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He does what he does to maintain the balance between all the races.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He openly states that, when he had Sebille do everything he needed her to, he was planning to order her to commit suicide. However, she escaped first.

    The Doctor

The Doctor / Dr. Daeva / Adramahlihk

The demon that speaks to Lohse. Can also make a pact with the other main characters, in exchange for their powers of divinity.

  • Ambiguous Gender: The Doctor is referred to as being male, and appears as such most of the time, but his true form is visibly female.
  • Affably Evil: Skirts the line between this and Faux Affably Evil depending on who he is talking to. He was on good terms with Jahan until Jahan realized he was an arch demon.
  • Anatomy of the Soul: You can go into its own demonic plane.
  • Arch-Enemy: Of both Jahan, who has been hunting him down for years, and Lohse, who he is possessing.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He has plans to usurp the power of divinity and become a god in and of himself, but he's only involved with Lohse's personal story and meeting him is completely optional for the main plot. Unlike most examples of this trope, the Doctor is a credible threat. Everyone that knows anything about him is absolutely terrified, including the gods, and no one under any circumstances wants Lohse to ascend for fear of what will happen when he wields the power of the Divine.
  • Bonus Boss: Meeting him is completely optional, and he can potentially be the single most difficult fight in the entire game depending on what you do throughout it. But even if you don't go through the process of weakening the Doctor, he can still be beaten.
  • Break the Haughty: If you and Lohse weaken him before confronting him, he's far less composed and almost pathetic in his attempts to continue to sway Lohse despite no longer having influence over her. When you fight him, his stats are pathetic, and Lohse can potentially cap things off by singing over him and his minion's corpses!
  • Cessation of Existence: Jahan claims this is what would eventually happen if The Doctor ever managed to become divine. This also happens to anyone thats sold their souls to The Doctor after their candle is blown out.
  • Crossdressing Voices: The demon always speaks with a male voice, even when talking through Lohse. Adramahlihk's true form is itself very feminine, but still speaks with a male voice.
  • The Dreaded: The people of Arx live in utter fear of the Doctor. Anyone that can see through Lohse and see him are also absolutely horrified by him. The Black Ring and The Voidwoken are also terrified of him, so much so that The Sallow Man will outright refuse to cut a deal with you if you have Lohse in your party, and will attempt to kill you. Jahan will tell your character that Lohse gaining the powers of Divinity is the worst possible thing that could happen, because it would give The Doctor the powers of all The Gods, and would bring about the end of the universe.
  • Deadly Doctor: Doctors don't get any deadlier than when they're actually demons with plans for godhood.
  • A God Am I: He isn't a god, but he's so powerful that he might as well be one. Should Lohse ascend, the Doctor could very well become one for real, and that's an opportunity he is very much counting on.
  • Ghost Story: The people of Arx only talk about The Doctor through whispers and scary stories.

    "He'll open your belly and fill it with jelly, the Doctor is in, the Doctor is in. He'll rip off your toes and shove them up your nose, the Doctor is in, the Doctor is in".

  • Deal with the Devil: He tries to cut a deal with almost everyone he talks to.
  • Demonic Possession: He is capable of possessing millions of people simultaneously.
  • Evil Versus Evil: He is against both The Divine Order, and The Voidwoken. The cake he had delivered to the dwarven wedding was meant to kill Isbeil, because he knew she was a member of The Black Ring and is also sworn to The God King.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Sometimes, if he actually despises who he's talking to, like The Sallow Man.
  • I Know Your True Name: Can be used against it. It is Adramahlihk. But that just pisses him off. You need to fight him mano-a-mano to put him down.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Has four arms in its true form.
  • Mutual Kill: If you cut a deal with him, and then manage to kill him, you die permanently.
  • No-Sell:
    • Jahan attempts to confront him using his true name, Adramahlihk, twice in the story, and both times it doesn't work. You can attempt to do the same, but it just pisses him off. If Adramahlihk manages to possess Lohse he becomes completely invincible.
    • Don't bother throwing a barrel of Deathfog at him, it won't work on him or the Nurses. Also a case of Developers' Foresight.
  • Snake People: The demon's true form appears to have the upper torso of a horned woman (with no skin whatsoever), that slithers on a dozen snake tails.
  • Villainous Breakdown: His suave and affable front completely falls apart when Lohse snuffs out all the souls that he has claimed, leaving him with only a fraction of his original power.
  • We Can Rule Together: He offers this kind of deal to the protagonist when he is confronted in Arx. You can take him up on it, but you'll have to kill your companions at the end of the game, or be killed yourself if you defy him at the last second.
  • Your Soul is Mine!: He's done this to millions of people, and it's where he draws his strength.

The Advocate

A demon with lizard appearance who represents the Doctor on Bloodmoon Island.

Nurses Do, Re, and Mi

The Doctor's assistants in his clinic in Arx.

  • Demonic Possession: If killed, their spirits reveal they were all once demon hunters that had failed to kill The Doctor.


Queen Justinia

Beast's cousin and queen of the dwarves. According to Beast, she is a cruel, despotic tyrant, and it was his attempt to rally a rebellion against her that got him exiled.

  • Action Girl: She knows her way around the battlefield, wielding quite the battleaxe.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Beast, given their disagreements and his exile. However, this shifts over to Isbeil after The Reveal.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: When you fight Isbeil, the player will return to the room she was in to find that it's full of dead bodies. This was done entirely by Justinia.
  • The Atoner: Should you choose to spare her.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Beast mentions that she once imprisoned a jester who called her "Fat" as a joke.
  • Drunk with Power: Beast mentions she might not have been the right choice to rule the Dwarven Kingdom because power can do this to people.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Before her Heel Realization, she's quite vicious. For example, executing two dozen noblemen for insubordination, among other things.
  • Heel Realization: Will have one when it's revealed that Beast was right all along, which can lead to a Heel–Face Turn. In fact, she is already in the process of this when you find her (notably if the Red Prince is in the party, but especially if Beast is in the party).
  • Informed Attribute: According to the Beast, and a few other people (who also have reason to exaggerate her flaws), she is a cruel, despotic tyrant. But what little you see of her depicts her as a Well-Intentioned Extremist who was so terrified by the use of Deathfog against the elves, she will do whatever it takes to keep her kingdom safe. This can be justified with the fact that you don't actually meet her until the final act.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: The definitive edition has Beast mention that this is why he is going after her.
  • Modest Royalty: Although her dress is rather regal, Justinia dresses rather regularly for a monarch. She doesn't even have a crown!
  • Pretty in Mink: Justinia wears a fox pelt like a scarf, and has a similar looking fur trim around her sleeves. Probably closer to Fur and Loathing from the Rebellion's perspective though.
  • Redemption Earns Life: You can also do this to allow her to atone for her crimes.
  • Redemption Equals Death: ...Or you can do this as a punishment for her crimes.
  • Start of Darkness: Beast mentions that the moment she went off the deep end was when she jailed a jester for insulting her.
  • Unstoppable Rage: She goes into this on her Heel Realization, killing her traitorous guards and breaking down the door, screaming like a madwoman.

    Queen Justinia: "WHERE IS SHE?!"

    • Gameplay and Story Integration: While she does this, she actually gets the 'Enraged' status in-game. This also happens when she learns the truth.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: A conversation with Beast shows that Beast had, at one point, played a prank that his family (and the nobles) thought was too far, but Justinia jumped in and took the blame for it.
  • Unwitting Pawn: It's Isbeil who's really pulling the strings. Justinia is just tempted by her offers.
  • Villain of Another Story: Little of Justinia's acts of villainy are seen onscreen, only told through other characters' testimonies. Since you never visit her kingdom in-game, one can only imagine what others have to say about her.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Well, to be fair, Justinia's goal is to do what's best for the Dwarven Kingdom, and since entire countries were basically nuked and she feared that the Dwarves might be next.



Justinia's advisor, who's secretly pulling her strings.

  • Back for the Finale: Is summoned by Braccus Rex in the final battle, even if she was defeated and slain beforehand.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Instead of just killing the player characters while they are paralyzed, she decides to use them in her experiments, which leads to their eventual escape when the Death Fog machine doesn't work.
  • Evil Genius: Studies in alchemy to prepare for Operation Downfall. Also fits the role in the big bad ensemble of the God King.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: If your persuasion is high enough you can get her to briefly relent that she is wrong, but The God King forces her to keep her word, and finish the plan to release the death fog in Arx. You can do this yourself after hearing her story and purging her soul afterwards anyway.
  • Freudian Excuse: Apparently she died to deathfog.
  • Mad Scientist: She is the black ring's resident mad scientist. She kidnaps over a hundred prisoners, and experiments on them to find the best ways to extract source from their bodies.
  • Paranoia Gambit: Isbeil manipulates Justinia by stoking her fears that Deathfog will be unleashed on the Dwarves. While this might seem Properly Paranoid since it already happened to the Elves, there isn't a single shred of evidence anywhere in the game that the Divine Order is planning to actually do this.
  • Poisonous Person: Let's just say she doesn't use her points in Geomancer to buff her physical armor. "Poisonous Person" is a good description of her character, too.
  • The Man Behind the Man: While Justinia has shown somewhat despotic actions before Isbeil came in, most of her more extreme actions (most notably Operation Deathfall) are her doing.
  • Treacherous Advisor: She's actually a member of the Black Ring.
  • The Undead: She was killed by the deathfog in the backstory, but became Sworn to the God-King and is now an Undead. She uses the Mask of the Shapeshifter to hide her undead nature.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Being reminded of how she and her Black Ring allies were killed with deathfog causes her to undergo one. She has another if you try absorbing her soul after she dies.
  • Would Hurt a Child: She'll use anyone as a test subject including children.


Lord Linder Kemm

Kemm is the grandmaster of the paladin order, and was trusted and respected by both Arhu and Lucian.

  • Back for the Finale: Is summoned by Braccus Rex in the final battle.
  • Badass Boast: He gives you one right before his boss fight if you try to save Arhu.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Kemm is brash, arrogant, and quick to anger, but he's still the leader of the paladins. Even before he joined The God King he was still harsh and arrogant according to some other paladins.
  • The Dragon: The God King replaced Wendigo with Kemm as his new champion.
  • Hate Sink: He's an arrogant, condescending General Ripper who is about to execute one of his own soldiers for hesitating to beat up Magisters in his introductory scene. He's not too fond of the Godwoken either. This only escalates further upon his reveal as one of the God King's underlings.
  • Know When to Fold Them: He had been looking for an excuse to attack Dallis for a long time, but knew as long as Vredeman was at her side it would be suicide.
  • The Leader: The leader of the paladin order.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: He wields a shield that auto deflects all ranged attacks back at the attacker.
  • The Paragon Always Rebels He joined The God King, because he hates beggars and the poor, and believes only the strong have the right to live.
  • Social Darwinist: Turned away from the Divine for supposedly coddling the "weak" and joined the God-King because he wanted to Kill the Poor.
  • The Undead: Using Spirit Vision to reveal his spirit after defeating him reveals his true form as an Undead, which he became after being Sworn. You can find hints of his true nature earlier if you speak to his and Arhu's dogs, who both smelled something rotting whenever he was near them. Checking him via Loremaster also spoils this in writing.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Goes into a screaming fit if you absorb his soul.



Mordus was once Lohar's right-hand man, before he made a Deal with the Devil for more power. He intends to assist Queen Justinia in Operation Downfall.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: His whole army is this. They're immune to other mental debuffs because of this.
  • The Dragon: To Isbeil, and by extent, The God-King.
  • Starter Villain: He's the lowest-ranked major boss in Act II, between levels 10 and 12. All other means of increasing one's Source power are at least level 14 in terms of difficulty.
  • One-Winged Angel: If one of his henchmen are killed before he is, he'll use Source Vampirism to transform him into some kind of giant beast packing serious punches.
  • The Undead: He's a skeletal dwarf. Unlike his equally-ranked colleagues, he shows his bones right from the get-go.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If he's prodded for more information on who he works for, an invisible force crushes him like a paper cup.

Other NPCs

    The Merryweather

Magister Siwan

The Magister in charge of transporting Sourcerers to Fort Joy.

  • Mercy Kill: She can be found bleeding out after the ship is attacked, and the player can opt to kill her quickly instead.

Magister Waters

A Magister investigating a murder aboard the ship.

Magister Viktar

Ifan's former subordinate, now overseeing his trip to Fort Joy.

Sandy, Paulie, and Trice

A trio of child Sourcerers.

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In Act II, you can spot Trice playing on the beach. Once you make it to the prison of Fort Joy, Trice is seen as a prisoner of Knilles and is very scared. You can open a sewer grate for her to escape, but it will the be last you ever see her.


A cowardly dwarven Sourcerer.

  • Dirty Coward: After the ship is attacked, he tries to escape in a lifeboat without looking for other survivors first, and if the player tries to rescue Siwan he'll leave without them as well.


A lizard noble and Sourcerer.

    Fort Joy

Magister Atusa

A lizard magister accused of helping Sourcerers escape Fort Joy.

  • Tongue Trauma: Is forced to cut out her own tongue by one of her superiors.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Is immediately offed by Dallis for treason.

High Judge Orivand

Subordinate of Dallis and the man in charge of running Fort Joy.

  • Affably Evil: He is always calm and polite when he talks even as he's turning Sourcerers into Silent Monks...
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Given that Sourcerers are to Rivellon what Psykers are to 40K, and that the death of the Divine has lead to Voidwoken attacks being a very real risk of even minor uses of Source, there is at least something of a point to detaining Sourcerers and minimising their use of Source. Subjecting them to a procedure that leaves them an Empty Shell yet still aware of their surroundings is much harder to justify. Your character can even agree with him when they first meet him.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: He describes a woman who's just had her soul destroyed as "perfection".
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He claims to be working to save Rivellon from destruction by the Voidwoken. However, it's debatable how well-intentioned he really is, given that he has sanctioned or is aware of the barbaric practices going on at Fort Joy, including Kniles' experiments, and is outright excited over the possibilities for making Silent Monks even better weapons of war.

Lord Withermoore

A Source Hunter cursed by Braccus Rex.

  • And I Must Scream: Was impaled by a spear to a wall for ages as his body rotted away by Braccus Rex.
  • Friendly Skeleton: His conversational skills haven't suffered much from being condemned to undeath. The young boy Mody considers him a friend, and he can end up on good terms with the player character as well.
  • Mercy Kill: Asks you to smash the jar containing his soul so that he can finally die properly.


A blind elven seer.

  • Blind Seer: Despite being completely blinded, she can see your fate as well as Sebille's scars, which prove to be the names of elven scions. Every last name, including your own, etched there by Tir-Cendelius.
  • Escort Mission/Guest-Star Party Member: Briefly becomes a member of your party, after you save her from Roost Anlon so you can escort her back to her people a short ways to the south. This even includes battle, where, while she's not particularly effective (being blind and all), she is at least tough enough to take hits, and throw a few out if need be, and fast enough to move somewhere safe.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play her in the revamped arena mode.
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: Suddenly slips into this by the time you meet her in Arx. She vows to bring the elves back from the brink, even at the cost of the other races. Sebille, should she be in your party, disapproves.
  • Sadistic Choice: Her fate becomes this if Sebille, Ifan and/or Lohse are in the same party. Sebille needs her alive in order to have her decipher her scar, Ifan needs to assassinate her so his contact will give him the information he needs on Alexandar, and the demon inside Lohse needs to kill her before she can tell Lohse who he is. This can be averted if Ifan rejects said contract (and he does if he's not playable) and if the player decides to beat Lohse back to her senses.

Doctor Leste

A dwarven healer.


A man driven mad. The focus of the quest "The Murderous Gheist."


A lizard Dreamer who has some connection to Sebille's master.

  • Sadistic Choice:
    • His fate becomes this if Sebille and the Red Prince are in the same party. Sebille needs to kill him in order to learn more about her master's location from his remains, but the Red Prince needs him alive to discuss his Dreams. This can be averted if Sebille is your main avatar, which gives you the option of sparing Stingtail, or if you have The Red Prince speak to Stingtail before Sebille.
    • Disregarding the above party members, there's another Sadistic Choice when it comes to giving Griff his Oranges (actually Drudanae) which Stingtail stole. Either you give up Stingtail, which results in Griff siccing an assassin on him note though you can save him from the assassin if you're quick after the quest finishes, or be prepared to fight Griff and his cronies, to free Amyro from his cell.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once Sebille has everything she needs from the poor lizard, she can (and generally will) outright kill him, both as revenge and no longer needing him.


An elven Dreamwalker who's gotten on Griff's bad side.

Camp Boss Griff

The leader of a gang, and the man in charge of the kitchen.

  • Asshole Victim: He's a ruthless tyrant who bullies other inmates into submission, and runs a Drudanae (read: drug) cartel.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: He has a wife in Arx. Mentioning him might be a bad idea.
  • Face–Heel Turn: If his wife is to be believed, he was a much nicer man before he was sent to Fort Joy.


One of Griff's lackeys.


One of Griff's lackeys, who the player can woo.

  • Heel–Face Turn: If one gets on her good side, she'll turn on Griff's gang if they get hostile.


The one in charge of Fort Joy's Arena of the One.


The promoter of the Arena of the One.

Baladir and Saam

A human and a lizard, arguing about the former's late wife.


A mother who has lost her daughter Erma. The focus of the quest "Every Mother's Nightmare."

  • Demoted to Extra: The Definitive Version doesn't consider "Every Mother's Nightmare" a proper quest.


A lizard prisoner.

Paladin Cork

A paladin investigating Reaper's Isle and Fort Joy. He soon runs into trouble with the Magisters.

  • Action Survivor: He survives the initial onslaught of undead, unlike the majority of his Paladin comrades in the Paladin base in Reaper's Coast, and if you play well enough, he'll survive until the end.
  • Mauve Shirt: He's likely one of the first allies you meet who helps you in direct combat. After moving on from Fort Joy, you see him again at the Paladin base in Reaper's Coast, but he doesn't play an important role. It's entirely possible for him to get killed in the undead ambush at the end of "Dealings in the Blackpits", as he's nowhere near as tough as his superior, Hardwin.
  • Mr. Exposition: He explains to you the happenings within the Divine Order, namedropping Lord Linder Kemm and how the Paladins and Magisters are suffering from Interservice Rivalry.


An undead merchant outside the Fort who is one of Ifan's contacts for his contract.

  • Affably Evil: His mentioning of the Covenant means he is most likely one of the servants of the God King, but unlike the rest doesn't attack you, and even offers his advice and services.
  • Red Herring: He mentions that he might board the Lady Vengeance after mentioning that's exactly what the Seekers plan to do, but he's never seen onboard when you capture it.


A wizard who was turned into a flaming pig by Braccus Rex.

  • Baleful Polymorph: She was cursed into the form of an eternally burning pig by Braccus Rex.


A lizard Seeker.


Gareth's squire.

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Is killed by Braccus Rex onboard the Lady Vengeance.
  • Hero-Worshipper: He's very happy to have the opportunity to be Gareth's squire, and will even admit to being a bit smitten with him if pressed.


A masked priestess who seeks Soul Jars for her goddess Amadia.

  • The Atoner: She did a lot of horrible things before Braccus finally back stabbed her. She tells the player characters that she's trying to make up for it.
  • Big "NO!": If you drop her soul jar right in front of her.
  • Crocodile Tears: The player has the option to call her out on this, but it is left a little ambiguous if she has truly repented or not.
  • Driven to Suicide: She killed herself after realizing that Braccus had become a sadistic monster, whoes hunger for souls would never be satisfied, and that she was personally responsable for who he is now. Braccus than revived her, and turned her into his undead thrall.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Braccus might not have become as powerful as he did so quickly if she didn't constantly slaughter villages to give him souls to feed on.
  • High Priest: Is a priestess of Amadia, the god of Wizards.
  • Killed Offscreen: This happens if you break her soul jar, or absorb the soul inside while not near her.
  • Mrs. Exposition: Tells the players a lot about the backstory behind Reaper's Isle and Braccus Rex.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Realized way too late that trying to gain favor with a tyrant known for for his Chronic Backstabbing Disorder was a terrible idea, and if her story is true, she deeply regrets what she did.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Was alive back when Braccus was in his prime, so that makes her at least as old as Arhu who is pushing well over 3,000.
  • Redemption Equals Death: She tried to invoke this trope, anyway. After her My God, What Have I Done? moment she killed herself, but Braccus Rex un-killed her. She started atoning by serving Amadia as a priestess, and as she doesn't kill herself after getting her soul back, she's presumably moved on from this mindset.
  • Revenant Zombie: Retains her personality and individuality despite technically being a thrall to Braccus. She claims its because of when Braccus was first slain before the events of Divinity: Original Sin 1.
  • Soul Jar: Her soul is is being kept in a jar in Braccus's vault at the end of the Illusionist's Cave.
  • The Undead: She has been dead a REALLY long time.
  • Villain Has a Point: Would you accept the help of an undead stranger?
  • Walking Spoiler: There is a very good reason she has so many spoiler tags.


An undead whose soul is bound to Braccus Rex's vault.

  • Redemption Equals Death: He clearly thanks you for killing him.
  • Troll: Certainly has this attitude when the Godwoken go through his domain. Being cursed to guard a prison for an eternity does lead to boredom, after all.


A prisoner in the dungeons beneath Fort Joy. Thought to be a Godwoken, he was tortured to insanity before he could unite with Gareth's forces.


A friendly magister, tortured for helping Fort Joy's child prisoners escape.

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: He's last seen escorting Alexandar to the temple after fulfilling the latter's request. Exploring the island a bit reveals that Delorus gave his life fighting off the Black Ring.
  • Friendly Sniper: He's an archer, and plays like a diet Wayfarer/Ranger as a Guest-Star Party Member.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He claims to be working with fellow Magisters to help the Seekers. Said Magisters are actually double agents and will rat you out if you tell them the truth.
  • Sadistic Choice: Presents this on the Nameless Isle when he's rescued from Fort Joy. You're meant to escort him to the Temple of Tir-Cendelius, back to Alexandar and his men (who have undergone a Heel–Face Turn of a sort). If you're still inclined to kill Alexandar at this point, whether to fulfill Ifan's contract, make a deal with the Sallow Man, make an attempt to help Gareth, or just make him pay, Delorus will beg you to reconsider.
  • Token Good Teammate: He clearly doesn't like what the rest of his Magister peers are doing in Fort Joy, and helped smuggle out prisoners. He's first found being tortured by the prison guards about this.

Buddy and Emmie

A pair of Source Hounds. Focus of the quest "Finding Emmie."

  • Animal Jingoism: He'll refuse to talk if the Black Cat is nearby.
  • I Ate WHAT?!: You can feed Buddy Atusa's bloody leg. He doesn't take this well and attacks you.


A human prisoner. The focus of the quest "The Teleporter."

  • Did Not Think This Through: His escape plan isn't the most well thought out. Particularly since it doesn't actually get him out of the fort.
  • It's All About Me: He's a very selfish individual and his plan requires you to be one too since it requires leaving whatever companions you have behind. So it shouldn't come as a surprise when he leaves you behind without teleporting you over the last cliff.
  • Karmic Death: He ditches you once he gets out of the prison and runs headfirst into the dockyard, where he will most definitely meet his end by the Magisters in it. Something that he would have had a better shot at getting through if he was more willing to cooperate with others, like you and your whole team. Ironically, the place Gawin leaves you in leads you to the underground prison, which is a much safer path to escape through.
  • Shock and Awe: Is an Aerothurge spell salesman. Which may become problematic after he bolts out and gets killed by guards.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Even if his plan works without a hitch, he's only escaped the prison area of Fort Joy... leading to him walking straight into a dockyard full of Magisters and Silent Monks.


A dwarven bard with some history with Lohse and Beast.

  • The Bard: Sings songs at the campfire. Talking to him with Beast in tow gets him to sing some more.


A lizard prisoner.


An elven prisoner who is aware of Ifan's history.

Black Cat

An animal companion.

  • Escort Mission: There is a hidden achievement for escorting it out of Fort Joy.


A lizard dragon knight locked into dragon form and bound in the Hollow Marshes by Radeka.

  • Androcles' Lion: Help him, and he helps you. Specifically, should you give him Radeka's wand to free him, he'll appear just when you're marching towards the Lady Vengeance, and eliminate all of the Shreikers in one go.

Radeka the Witch

A witch who cultivates blood roses.

  • Kiss of Death: She will kiss the person who talks to her — whether they're willing or not — before initiating combat. The kiss is full of bugs, and leaves that character diseased for several rounds of combat. You can avert this by talking about Slane instead.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play her in the revamped arena mode.

    The Lady Vengeance

Booply Bear

An undead cat.

  • Undying Loyalty: Literally. She's very loyal to her owner Dallis, and will only tell you the trick to getting into Dallis' secret room if you successfully persuade her that Dallis sent you.

    The Reaper's Coast



A lizard Portalmaster, and creator of the Deathfog device.

  • My God, What Have I Done?: Feels horrible, stating that the Deathfog device was her "crowning glory" and "the millstone" around her neck.
  • Thinking Up Portals: Specializes in conjuring portals to drop Geo Effects all over the place. Getting too close to her while she is fighting off magisters will force her to dump lava on you.

Dashing June

A dwarven pickpocket and Butter's girlfriend.

  • Affectionate Pickpocket: She picks your pocket when she falls into you while shaking your hand if you offer to help her look for some money she says she lost. You can catch her in the act if you have high enough wits, and even get it back, plus some new gloves, if you tell her about meeting Butter in Fort Joy.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Flirts with the player regardless of gender, although this may be an act as part of her pickpocketing. She's at least into women, since it's unlikely she was lying about Butter.


The dwarven leader of the (both literal and figurative) underground criminal empire in Driftwood. Lohar is at the center of the quests "The Law of the Order" and "The Shadow Over Driftwood."

  • The Don: He runs Driftwood's criminal empire from his Man of Wealth and Taste room in a hidden basement under the inn. And anyone who crosses him has a way of turning up dead.
  • The Dragon: He's implied to be this - however, as it turns out he is shocked at what he had done because he thinks Deathfog is too bad.
  • Dual Wielding: Lohar dual wields two-handed maces.
  • Generic Ethnic Crime Gang: Driftwood's marginalized Dwarven minority forms the entirety of Lohar's forces. It's implied that most or all of the Dwarves living in Driftwood that aren't part of his organization directly are, at the very least, turning a blind eye to his activities.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He's a murderous criminal who has no problems with deliberately wrecking ships and then murdering their crew to steal their cargo, but even he drew the line at the idea of using Deathfog for a terrorist strike on Arx, and ordered his men to destroy the barrels of it that came into his possession rather than delivering them as ordered.
  • Meaningful Name: In Hindu and Sikh tradition, the Lohar are a sub-caste, traditionally made up of artisans. "Lohar" is sometimes synonymous with "Blacksmith". Lohar himself isn't a blacksmith, but he is a Dwarf. His name also reflects his low-class status in a society heavily divided by class.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Heavily regrets his involvement in Operation Downfall.
  • Nemean Skinning: Wears an animal pelt hood, and little else.
  • Promoted to Playable: The Definitive Edition allows you to play him in the revamped arena mode.

Paladin Thom Hardwin

The leader of the Paladin forces in Reaper's Coast. Assigns the heroes the quest "Dark Dealings in the Blackpits" to get intel on the renegade Magisters.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: By far the sturdiest Paladin in Reaper's Coast. The undead ambush at the base doesn't faze him much.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Always stays true to his word, gives the party enough information for his quest, gives the Red Prince info on Brahmos' whereabouts, and keeps his composure even when Ifan voices his disapproval for the Divine Order.

Magister Jonathan

Gareth's former friend, now turned hostile as a result of them going their separate ways.

  • Evil Former Friend: Is an absolutely rotten Magister just like many of his peers, and has the potential to kill Gareth's parents without remorse.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: Should you agree with Gareth in sparing him at the encounter before the Paladin Bridge, and you get locked back into Gareth's parents buying the farm and Jonathan up to his no-good antics at the Blackpits.
  • Kick the Dog: Is responsible for the deaths of Gareth's parents, should he survive past the Paladin Bridge.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: There are two ways of doing this. The mundane way is killing him at the Blackpits and sucking out his Source. The other way is to head north before crossing the Paladin Bridge and kill him when he's down in spite of Gareth's hesitance.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He can play a signifcant role in Gareth's story. Should the player go alongside Gareth in his lust for revenge, Gareth is doomed to either die at the hands of Alexandar's forces or get turned into a Silent Monk by Dallis.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Should he be immediately offed by the player on the western end of the Paladin Bridge, he gets replaced by Magister Kari, who plays the same role he did regarding the fight at the Blackpits.


The reclusive master & manager of the Stonegarden, a large cemetery near Driftwood. An eccentric who lives with his many pets. Or at least that's what he likes people to believe. In reality Ryker is a Lone Wolf and one of the most dangerous Sourcerers alive, to the point the divine order has spared him out of fear. He uses the endless corpses and Source he receives through people burying their loved ones to perform unspeakable experiments in the name of source mastery.

  • Actually Not a Vampire: Lives alone in a mansion in a graveyard, dresses like an aristocrat, raises the dead to be his servants, is rarely seen by the townsfolk, has refined interests, and drains the lifeforce of the living and dead to stay young and powerful. About the only difference is that he's performing Source vampirism, not literal vampirism.
  • Collector of the Strange: Ryker takes a momento from each of his kills, captures animals, and sometimes, if he spots something interesting during a funeral in the stone garden, will dig up the grave later and take it for himself. This has been going on for who knows how long, and therefore his mansion is packed with curios.
  • The Dragon: In an ending where he lives and the Doctor becomes the Anti-Divine, Ryker is said to be his general.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Unlike everyone else in the game, Ryker remains completly calm when you absorb his soul.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He puts up a polite front, but just barely. He immediately tries to throw you off guard by announcing he knows you're Godwoken, then aggressively tries to steer any further conversation.
  • Kick the Dog: Once decided he would take a dog he liked from its loving master... by using his sourcery to force it into mauling said master to death.
  • Mad Scientist: Ryker is simultaneously this and a Mad Artist. Many of his "experiments" are clearly for research. Others, like binding the ghost of a piano player to his will so he always has live music, are artistic.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Lives in a classy mansion. Loves to read, hunt, collect art and museum pieces, and listen to piano music. Speaks in a refined manner and writes in beautiful script. Is VERY evil.
  • My Greatest Failure: The only thing he's ever regretted in his entire life was being dumb enough to swear himself to the God King.
  • Obviously Evil: He's a Sourcerer, he lives in a cemetery, specializes in necromancy, and is surrounded by all kinds of ghostly and undead thralls. Everything about Ryker screams bad news even before you dig up all the dirt on him.
  • Promoted to Playable: He was made playable for Definitive Edition's revamped arena mode.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Tries to kill you once you complete his quest. In fact, he puts a hit out on you before you even meet him, but rescinds and decides to betray you later.



An enchanted cat. See Divine Divinity for more details.

Paulina Kemm

Linder Kemm's Wife.

  • Blue Blood: Obviously a rich, aritocratic noble, and doesn't take conversation with the Godwoken unless they have the "Noble" trait.
  • Spot of Tea: Sells tea leaves which can be brewed into tea, and the player character can poke fun at the sheer volume of the stuff she drinks in the course of a conversation. The tea itself offers extremely powerful buffs.
  • Uncle Pennybags: Takes a day out of her agenda to let a handful of commoners chat the day away.

Loic the Immaculate

An old foe of the Source Hunters, brought back in the Definitive Edition as a Bonus Boss.

  • Back from the Dead: Yes, it's the same Loic from the previous game. At some point between the previous game and the this one, he became Undead. His Voidwoken allies strongly suggest that he came back from the dead by becoming Sworn to the God-King.
  • Bonus Boss: Fighting him is completely optional and he has no bearing on the plot. His home the Hermit's Hideaway can't even be reached without a teleportation or flight ability. Good thing too, since it's one of the more challenging fights in the game.
  • Playing with Fire: When he's not trying to kill you with Deathfog via teleporting you into it or teleporting Deathfog barrels next to you, he'll blast you with extremely powerful fire spells. He's also immune to fire damage and even heals from it due to having Fire Resistance over 100%, meaning the cursed fire his attacks leave behind won't hurt him. The Voidwoken also explode into flames upon defeat and there's a Cursed Oil Barrel in the area. Loic carries a unique and powerful wand that deals fire damage, leaves behind Cursed Fire, and grants the spell Spontaneous Combustion which you can claim for yourself after killing him.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Being brought back from the dead presumably by becoming Sworn has been very good to him. He's considerably more formidable now than he was in life.
  • The Undead: He takes full advantage of his undead state in his fight. He is immune to Deathfog, meaning he can break barrels of the stuff with impunity. His Voidwoken allies can also spit Poison, which they use to heal Loic (Undead heal from Poison damage).

How To Remove Water In Lord Kemm Garden


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